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Everything posted by Aleksejs

  1. Ja mēs naivi pieņamam par failu sistēmas indeksēšanā izmantoto bāzi skaitli 256, tad tā arī to koku varam veidot... Ne vairāk par 256 failiem/direktorijām mapē: dziļumu varam izrēķināt log256(90000)=lg(90000)/lg(256/10) (ja mani atmiņa no vidusskolas laikiem neviļ) lg(90000)/lg(256)
  2. [offtopic] Mans darba devējs pieturās pie domas, ka: Labs darbinieks regulāri papildina avas zināšanas, kuras veicina viņa izaugsmi, un apgūst jaunas idejas un iemaņas un apgūst kolēģu un savu pieredzi, lai domātu stratēģiski. [/offtopic] Labāk būtu pateicis kādu savu iecienīto resursu, nevis interesējies par manu morāli-ētisko attieksmi pret darbu ;)
  3. http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/ Web Resources Depot - Free Web Resources Everyday http://www.smashingapps.com/ Smash!ng Apps - Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers http://www.noupe.com/ Noupe passionately delivers stylish and dynamic news for designers and web-developers across the globe on all subjects of design; ranging from CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising & much more! Our goal is to help you communicate effectively on the web with an engaging website and functional interface. Founded in 2007 by Noura Yehia from Egypt, the site is now property of Smashing Media GmbH. http://www.webdesignerwall.com/ * Web Designer Wall is designed and maintained by Nick La, who also runs N.Design Studio and Best Web Gallery. I’ve been designing for several years and my work has been published on numbers of magazines. I love to share ideas and design techniques. Web Designer Wall serves as my public blog where I post my design ideas, tutorials, and talk about modern web design trends. Why Web Designer Wall? As a designer, I often have a lot of ideas that flow in my mind; usually I draw them on my sketch pad and then paste them on the wall. This is how the name was created — a wall of ideas. http://sixrevisions.com/ Six Revisions is a website that publishes practical and useful articles for designers and web developers. We seek to present exceptional, noteworthy tips, tutorials, and resources that the modern web professional will appreciate. Six Revisions was launched in February 2008 by professional web developer/designer Jacob Gube (who now functions as the Chief Editor of the site). Articles are written by talented professionals from around the globe, and a high emphasis on quality, comprehensiveness, and usefulness goes into each of the articles published. http://www.devlisting.com/ Devlisting - Web developer resources http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/ Webdesigner Depot is an exciting new platform designed to explore different web and graphic design techniques, great examples and best practices. We love design and are passionate about it in all its shapes and forms. Our vision is to make WDD a great showcase for this passion and feed a worldwide audience of savvy designers eager to learn more and share their knowledge with the design community. The blog is a joint effort and collaboration between leading designers around the world which contribute a wealth of expertise on all fields of design, such as coding, typography, Photoshop tutorials and more. http://www.greepit.com/ Greepit is an aesthetic Web Design, Graphic Design, Wordpress , Open Source Resources and Inspirational Resource site for Designers and Developers that attracts a wide variety of gurus from the IT industry ranging from you SEO experts to Project Managers seeking contemporary trends prevalent in the industry. We at Greepit, keep a proactive eye on the world wide web and the IT industry, collating, filtering and presenting latest news, information and innovations in an aesthetic design for our tech savvy customer base. http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/ What is tripwire magazine? Web professionals are required to master quite a few technologies and skills in order to create the modern web applications clients ask for today. Being at the forefront in the web field can be very hard and is an ongoing acheivement. tripwire magazine is a weblog that provides useful information, tools, tips and tutorials for both web designers and web developers to make their life easier. Subjects covered are ranging from Fonts, Photoshop, CSS, jQuery, web design, graphics, typography, advertising, SEO and much more as long as we beleive it’s useful for our readers. You will find everything from detailed tutorials on how to create web designs from scratch to large collections of tools that will speed up your work and inspire you to approach challenged in new ways. http://woorkup.com Woork Up is a blog that provides fresh news and useful stuff for webaddict people and internet lovers. Topics covered include the following categories of interest: apple, technology, business, web design, mobile, social media and digital inspiration. http://www.webdesignerheaven.com/ Webdesignerheaven - Resource × Links http://designm.ag/ DesignM.ag is a community-based website for web designers and developers. The site includes a popular blog, a user-submitted news section, a design gallery, and a design job board. http://speckyboy.com/ Speckyboy Design Magazine launched in October 2007, as the personal freelance web design homepage of Paul Andrew. Somewhere over the consequent months the site dramatically changed direction, and evolved into the design resource magazine that you see today. We offers insightful tutorial, time-saving techniques, fresh and useful resources and inspirational art, covering web design and development, graphic design, advertising, mobile development and we even have a soft spot for the occasional Lego post. http://net.tutsplus.com/ * Nettuts+ is a site aimed at web developers and designers offering tutorials and articles on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. We cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, PHP and Ruby on Rails. http://www.sitepoint.com/ * sitepoint.com is currently the 786th most visited web site in the world! SitePoint is a fast growing online media company and information provider targeting the Web professional market, specifically Web Developers and Designers. The company has five major revenue streams: advertising and sponsorship, content-based products both online and in retail, software, and more recently streaming video subscriptions and classified listings. http://www.webappers.com/ * WebAppers is a blog dedicated to share top quality open source resources for web developer and web designer daily. As a web designer, you’ll find some of the best free icons, stock photos, brushes, fonts and design inspirations. As a web developer, you’ll also find some of the best Javascript and Ajax components like modal windows, menus, galleries, tooltips, charts, calendars plugins and a lot more … http://www.ajaxian.com/ * Lietas par JavaScript un AJAX http://www.smashingmagazine.com/ * Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. Our aim is to inform our readers about the latest trends and techniques in Web development. We try to convince you not with the quantity but with the quality of the information we present. We hope that makes us different. Smashing Magazine is, and always has been, independent. http://www.unmatchlist.com/ - daudz no jau minētajiem resursiem Unmatchlist is a categorized list of resources for builders, developers and designers of the web. *- Resurss, kuru apmeklēju ja ne katru dienu, tad vairākas reizes nedēļā noteikti + http://www.askapache.com/ - vairāk infrastruktūras ļaudīm domāts, taču visai daudz lietas arī par mod_rewrite, .htaccess un tamlīdzīgām tēmām. The goal of AskApache.com is simple - To provide free access to knowledge and data with the goal of empowering people.. or more melodramatically: "Power to the People!" Why the name AskApache? AskApache was chosen to show and pay respect to the contributors of the Apache Web Server. Literally it means to ask Apache when facing a problem, by searching the Open-Source, contacting a board/list, or browsing the documentation.
  4. Aleksejs


    Tā arī nesapratu, kas par administratīvo dizainu vajadzīgs... Varbūt vienkārsi data grid? http://www.sigmawidgets.com/products/sigma_grid2/demos/example_master_details.html
  5. Aleksejs


    Es kaut kā īsti nesaprotu, kādām prasībām jāatbilst tam "administratora dizainam" - kāda funkcionalitāte vajadzīga? http://www.webappers.com/2009/09/18/20-professional-web-admin-templates-on-themeforest/ Bilžuks izskatās no šejienes: http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/free-admin-template-for-web-applications/ Ieteicamā [lasām-|skatām-]viela: http://www.uxbooth.com/ http://www.webhostingsearch.com/articles/20-great-ux-blogs.php
  6. Mēģini tagad - vēlreiz pārbaudīju - man verās. Un - Lūdzu (~;
  7. Vieni no pirmajiem rezultātiem, ko \atrumā sameklēju: http://www.devarticles.com/index2.php?option=content&task=view&id=863&pop=1&hide_ads=1&page=0&hide_js=1 http://www.webreference.com/authoring/style/sheets/layout/advanced/ http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/stylesheets/csslayout.html http://www.w3.org/2002/03/csslayout-howto http://htmldog.com/guides/cssadvanced/layout/ http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/ http://www.alistapart.com/articles/practicalcss/
  8. Ievads pamatlietās, lai padarītu internetveikalu atbilstošu PCI standartam: Shopping Cart PCI Compliance Guide (Magento, Oscommerce, Zencart, etc.)
  9. Tīri intereses pēc - kas tieši no SEB tur hostējas?
  10. Nu, es jau nevaru zināt - varbūt viņš pats sev hosts... Katrā gadījumā, hostētājam ir jāvar izsniegt interesējošā info - ja ne gluži dodot piekļuvi logfailam, tad vismaz atlasot un pārsūtot interesējošo informāciju.
  11. Ko saka tava nosūtītājmailservera logfaili?
  12. Otrā galā nav GreyList, kas pieņem tikai pēc kādas stundas?
  13. daGrevis - es drīzāk sliecos piekrist "Getting Real" autoriem: http://gettingreal.37signals.com/ch06_Done.php
  14. Douglas Crockford on JavaScript http://yuiblog.com/crockford/
  15. Mēģini sazināties ar biss.lv - varbūt viņiem ir.
  16. Kāds pamatojums 2 hash algoritmu lietošanai? Sāls nedrīkst būt atkarīga no paroles līdz ar to otrā rindiņa neder.
  17. SHA noteikti. Vēlams SHA256. Salt nepieciešamību bez konteksta ir grūti aprakstīt.
  18. 2easy - bieži vien datiem nav jānodrrošina konfidencialitāte, bet tikai integritāte - tādos gadījumos datus var sūtīt atklātā tekstā un klāt kabināt imitoaizsardzības datus (HMAC).
  19. Un cik daudz/ko jau esi izdarījis un izplānojis?
  20. Nē, nevar! Jo šī ir darba sadaļa! Sazinieties ar autoru caur PM.
  21. Aleksejs


    Uz pirmo jautājuma daļu: Ja būtu kvalitatīva informācija, tad būtu populārs (tam pat obligāti nebūtu jābūt lielam) - tikai rēķinies, ka popularitāti mēra pēc iespējamās mērķauditorijas apjoma. Ja pieņemam, ka kopumā šīs lietas varētu interesēt... nu teiksim 5000 cilvēku, tad jau 1000 apmeklētāji, no kuriem 200 ir regulāriem apmeklētāji, no kuriem tātad 40 cilvēki būs tādi, kas aktīvi piedalās un ir pamanāmi - nozīmē, ka esi aptvēris 20% no visas iespējamās auditorijas. Protams, šie skaitļi ir tikai ātrs uzmetums, taču, cerams, ideju saproti - tie, kas būs aktīvi (un uz kā balstās visa kapitalizācija) sastāda visai mazu daļu no kopējās mērķauditorijas (pēc maniem ātrajiem aprēķiniem sastāda ~4%) - līdz ar to veidojot plānus, ņem to vērā. P.S. Vēlreiz uzsveru, ka pieminētie skaitļi ir tikai uzmetums.
  22. Klau - cilvēks piedāvā darbiņu. Ja jūs tas interesē piesakieties un dariet, ja nē tad nē. Ko te vēl spriedelēt?!
  23. Tas nozīmē, ka aizej uz lapu: http://www.kingston.com/lvroot/tools/default.asp un memory search lodziņā izvēlies savu mātesplates ražotāju, tad mātesplates modeli un tad tev parādīs vispiemērotāko.
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