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Posted (edited)

Sveiki, tātad varu sakodēt no HTML uz PHP. 100% Tieši, ka būs HTML.

Cenas ir runājamas, bet daudz neņemu. no 5-25ls. Atkarība, kas tur būs.

  • Ja tikai index.php (jaunākais forumā, jaunumi, login utt. 5-10ls)
  • Ja piemeram index.php , video.php , piemēram blogi.php (tad būs jau no 10-20ls)
  • Kodēšana balstās uz ipb 2.3.x , 3.x.x un phpbb
  • Darbs tiek paveikts nedēļas laikā!

Rekur varat apskatīties piemēru:


Tik nesajauciet, ka nekodēju no .psd uz html, bet no html uz php kodā. happy.png


Skype artursfano


Paldies ka lasījāt, lai jums jauka diena. happy.png

Edited by Enemy*Down

Sveiki, tātad varu sakodēt no HTML uz PHP. 100% Tieši, ka būs HTML.


tas ir:

echo '<html> text ...   </html>';

P.S. nakamrezi automehāniķu forumā pastāsti ka par 5 ls palīdzēsi mašīnas bākā ieliet degvielu .

Posted (edited)


tas ir:

echo '<html> text ...   </html>';

P.S. nakamrezi automehāniķu forumā pastāsti ka par 5 ls palīdzēsi mašīnas bākā ieliet degvielu .

Tu nepareizi domā.

Tas ir:

echo ''.$row[title].'';

Lai ņem no datubāzes ārā nosaukumu. A iekš HTML lai būtu nosaukums, un izdarīšu tā lai ņem no datubāzes piemērām jaunākais posts. Kā jau teicu uz ipb jeb phpbb ^_^

Edited by Enemy*Down
Posted (edited)

Ja uz "ātro" Tu ievieto 6 liekus simbolus kodā, kas darās, ja to nedari uz ātro? :D





Result: 8 errors / 54 warnings
line 3 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <!DOCTYPE>
line 4 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <html>
line 5 column 2 - Warning: discarding unexpected <head>
line 106 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 109 column 6 - Warning: <input> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 106 column 1 - Info: <tr> previously mentioned
line 104 column 5 - Warning: missing </form> before <td>
line 111 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <table>
line 111 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 114 column 5 - Error: discarding unexpected </form>
line 115 column 2 - Warning: missing <td>
line 115 column 2 - Warning: <form> shouldn't be nested
line 119 column 14 - Error: discarding unexpected </div>
line 120 column 7 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 111 column 1 - Info: <tr> previously mentioned
line 121 column 6 - Error: discarding unexpected </div>
line 122 column 6 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 111 column 1 - Info: <tr> previously mentioned
line 126 column 46 - Error: discarding unexpected </a>
line 130 column 6 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 111 column 1 - Info: <tr> previously mentioned
line 135 column 3 - Warning: <form> shouldn't be nested
line 137 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 139 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 141 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 143 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 144 column 7 - Warning: <input> element not empty or not closed
line 104 column 5 - Warning: missing </form>
line 156 column 1 - Warning: <style> isn't allowed in <div> elements
line 154 column 8 - Info: <div> previously mentioned
line 214 column 64 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
line 225 column 23 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 226 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 228 column 8 - Warning: <style> isn't allowed in <div> elements
line 154 column 8 - Info: <div> previously mentioned
line 286 column 64 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
line 306 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 307 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
line 326 column 27 - Warning: <meta> isn't allowed in <div> elements
line 325 column 10 - Info: <div> previously mentioned
line 387 column 13 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 387 column 81 - Error: discarding unexpected </a>
line 399 column 13 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 399 column 81 - Error: discarding unexpected </a>

Edited by edw

Atverot tās lapas source failu jau pirmajās 4. rindās paverās visnotaļ interesants skats. Būsi sajaucis forumus, šādu sludinājumu vari droši rakstīt geimeru forumos, šeit pseido programmētāji savu klientu neatrod. :)

Posted (edited)

("Mieru tikai mieru" © Karlsons)


Diena.lv. 2011. gada 12. decembris 08:34

Sestdien Latvijā bija iespējams novērot pilnu Mēness aptumsumu, portālu Diena.lv informēja Latvijas Astronomijas biedrības (LAB) pārstāvis Māris Krastiņš.


Viss skaidrs?

Edited by Grey_Wolf
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