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Zinu es esmu aizrāvies taisīt visulaiku jaunus topicus :)




Beidzot atradu pietiekami vienkāršu galeriju ! Tikai nesaprotu kā ieinstelēt :(



1) Download the package. Unzip. It's probably done already :)

2) Open "info.php". In it, fill in the values for your server. Do NOT alter the $dbtype section.

3) Upload all the files (the images in BINARY, and the php scripts in ASCII).

4) If they haven't been already created create the following directories in your Funkgallery directory :-




5) CHMOD these 3 directories to 755

6)CHMOD the directory admin/style to 755

7) Go to the admin directory.

8) Run "http://yoursite.com/********/admin/mysql_install.php"

9) Now, go to "http://yoursite.com/******/admin/", and log in with the username "test" and password "test".

10) Go to 'Settings>Global Settings' and change the username and password to something memorable.

11) Edit the Webmaster Email address then click on 'edit_settings'.

12) Click on Log Out




2) Saprotu, bet atvaru failu vaļā un sarakstu kā vajag Un esmu arī uztaisījis šādu databasi un lietotajam iedevis visas tiesibas uz to datubāzi..... Izkā vajadzētu būt pareizi !



// server name, eg. localhost
$server = 'localhost';
// your database's name
$dbname = 'galerija';
// your username to access that database
$dbuser = 'idiots';
// your password to access that database
$dbpass = 'idiots';

// a contact email for when errors arise
$email = 'you@yourdomain.com';

// database engine- 'mysql' DO NOT ALTER




3) Nu itkā visi faili jāuzliek uz servera, tikai šo nesaprotu ---) the images in BINARY, and the php scripts in ASCII


5)Neko nesaprrotu CHMOD these 3 directories to 755

6)Neko nesaprotu CHMOD the directory admin/style to 755




Nesmejaties ! :) Varbūt priekš jums tas ir ļoti viegls jautājums, bet priekš manis nē !

Edited by janiis
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Kāpēc, janiis, tu tik bezjēdzīgi atbildi ?


Bet nu vispār:

par tiem BINARY un ASCII neuztraucies - ar to visticamāk tavs FTP klients tiek galā.


un par CHMOD - chmod ir linux utilītiņa, ar kuru var nomainīt faila īpašnieku u.c. lietotāju tiesības attiecībā pret šo failu. Pagūglē un tu sapratīsi fiksi un ātri.

Edited by andrisp
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