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Kaa uztaisiit taa ka saglabaa vairaak Varus vienaa cookie?

Probleema taada:

setcookie ("user", $user);

setcookie ("theme", $theme);

ja shaadi rakstu vinsh izmet error:


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ....


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ....


Kaa to apiet?


Kaut kaa shaadi?

setcookie ("cookie[three]", "cookiethree");

setcookie ("cookie[two]", "cookietwo");

setcookie ("cookie[one]", "cookieone");

Posted (edited)

Varbūt tādēļ, ka vispirms vajag ieslēgt output buffering, lai nekādi headeri netiktu sūtīti pirms laika?

setcookie ("user", $user);
setcookie ("theme", $theme);

Edited by Aleksejs
Kaa uztaisiit taa ka saglabaa vairaak Varus vienaa cookie?

Probleema taada:

setcookie ("user", $user);

setcookie ("theme", $theme);

ja shaadi rakstu vinsh izmet error:


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ....


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ....


Kaa to apiet?


Kaut kaa shaadi?

setcookie ("cookie[three]", "cookiethree");

setcookie ("cookie[two]", "cookietwo");

setcookie ("cookie[one]", "cookieone");

cookie ir jaauzstaada pirms tu suuti jebkaadu saturu uz paarluukprogrammu. Taa arii ir visa kljuuda ;) .. sookie peec kaartas tu vari uzstaadiit kaut vai 10, vienkaarshi pirms tam tev nedriikst buut nekaads html, ne taisiits ar echo, ne arii vienkaarshss inline html ..

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