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BLOB izvilksana no db


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Datu baze man ir BLOB lauku lai glabatu tur textu. Izveidoju to kaa BLOB DATA_TYPE 1, taatad teksts.

Problema tada ka pec tam velkot vinu ara no datu bazes, izvelk nevis tekstu bet 0x00000000000000bc.

izmantojo vienkarsi


$result=ibase_fetch_row($dbh, $result);
echo "$row[0]";

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Izskatas ka fire bird tad tipu neatbalsta, un nekadu info ari atrast nevaru.

Liekas ka ar tie pasiem BLOB vien bus jameigina...

Izskatas ka interbasei tikai uzliek CHAR datu tipu lielaku pa 200 tad automatiski vinu uzstaisa pa MEMO.

Taakaa viss ir bumbaas

tema slegta :)

Edited by Blitz
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A tu vispār manuāli lasi ??


ibase_blob_add -- Add data into a newly created blob

ibase_blob_cancel -- Cancel creating blob

ibase_blob_close -- Close blob

ibase_blob_create -- Create a new blob for adding data

ibase_blob_echo -- Output blob contents to browser

ibase_blob_get -- Get len bytes data from open blob

ibase_blob_import -- Create blob, copy file in it, and close it

ibase_blob_info -- Return blob length and other useful info

ibase_blob_open -- Open blob for retrieving data parts

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