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JS Objects




Mācoties codeacademy, uzskrēju virsū uzdevumam, kura nosacījumi šādi:


Add some friend objects to your friendobject. You can add as many as you like, but make sure you add at least one called billand one called steve (note the lack of capitalization). Check the Hint if you need help.


Kods man sanāca šāds:

var friends = {
	friends.Davis = {
		name = 'Jim',
		lastName = 'Mofo',
		phoneNumber = 'unknown'
	friends.bill = {
		name = 'Steve',
		lastName = 'Binghem',
		phoneNumber = '231456455465'
	friends.steve = {
		name = 'Bill',
		lastName = 'Fucker',
		phoneNumber = 'unknown'


Bet parādās kļūdas, draugam prasīju, šis nezin, kur problēma.


SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
Oops, try again.
Did you add bill to the friends object?

7 answers to this question

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JSON or JavaScript Object Notation, is a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange. It is derived from the JavaScript scripting language for representing simple data structures and associative arrays, called objects.

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JSON or JavaScript Object Notation, is a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange. It is derived from the JavaScript scripting language for representing simple data structures and associative arrays, called objects.

Tu laikam nesaproti.

Ja pašā Javascriptā pastāv pareizā sintakse, kā uzrakstīt objektus, tad es nevēlos neko citu izmantot, kā tikai Javascript!

Ja Tev vēl kas sakāms sakarā ar JSON, tad labāk neko neraksti, ja Tev nedalec.

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JSON, mle!


Tev ir sintakses kļūda. Jebkurš JSON ir valīds JS, tāpēc paskaties kāda ir JSON sintakse.

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Tu laikam nesaproti.

Ja pašā Javascriptā pastāv pareizā sintakse, kā uzrakstīt objektus, tad es nevēlos neko citu izmantot, kā tikai Javascript!

Ja Tev vēl kas sakāms sakarā ar JSON, tad labāk neko neraksti, ja Tev nedalec.

Tev cenšas palīdzēt, jo tu pats to lūdzi. Tagad tu saki, lai neko neraksta. Jocīgi.

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Izpalīdzīgā tauta ir izpalīdzīga.

var friends = {
  Davis: {
    name: 'Jim',
    lastName: 'Mofo',
    phoneNumber: 'unknown'
  bill: {
    name: 'Steve',
    lastName: 'Binghem',
    phoneNumber: '231456455465'
  steve: {
    name: 'Bill',
    lastName: 'Fucker',
    phoneNumber: 'unknown'

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