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Pārbaudi savas Linux zināšanas. Iztēlojies, ka šo iedod izpildīt darba intervijā, jo CV ir ierakstīts, ka mākot Linux :)


1) What is the 1st line of a perl script?


2) What is the 1st line of a bash script?


3) What is the command that finds the location of an executable within your

path on a server (ie. perl or grep)


4) How do you enable php4 for a directory within a site that requires php5 for

all other directories - on a cPanel server?


5) How do you determine the hardware of a running system?


6) Update the locate database


7) Exclude /home/sites from the locate database


8) Find all of the processes started by “httpd” particular user and kill them

in a one liner.


9) List all of the open files in use by root


10) Display a list of files that are in a particular directory which are owned

by USER and have the permissions of “–rw --- ---“


11) Where does cPanel log httpd errors?


12) Setup a key from from Server A to Server B.


13) Use chkconfig to stop a service from starting


14) On the test server, (as a bash one liner)

a) Schedule the following task to run hourly

b) List all users IP’s that experienced a fav icon not found error,

c) Sort the data by IP Address,

d) Count the number of time each IP was affected,

e) Put that report into a file

f) & email the report to hosting@LinuxForum.com.


15) rsync the following directory _____ to the following directory______.

(excluding all .tar files)


16) using netstat, report back how many tcp connections are in `LISTEN` state


17) dig the mx records of LinuxForum.com


18) List the iptables rules w/ line numbers


19) Drop line 10 of an iptables rule


20) Blacklist an IP


21) Change DNS locally on the server to use Google's server


22) Schedule the server to restart at 2am by command line


23) Determine if a service is running


24) Stop a service


25) Add a database for a new website


26) Create a one-liner that does the following task.

A) Generate a report of all IP addresses that appear in access log file

from today.

B) Count the number of times an IP appears in the report.

C) Determine what is the 5th most active IP address,

D) Return the second set of 3 digits. ie. ***.168.***.***


Mājās lietoju linuksi jau kādus 2 gadus, varbūt pat 3. Tomēr testā būtu pamatīgi izgāzies. Lietoju slackware, tātad nemaz ne no vienkāršākajiem, esmu kompilējis pat tādas lietas kā kde un grafisko serveri, bet izskatās ka nav pietiekoši. :)

Arī skriptus nācies rakstīt un īsti tās pirmās rindiņas arī neatceros no galvas, copy-paste kā nekā. Piekrītu ka daži jautājumi ir tieši par cpanel un konkrētu distributīvu, bet tests vairāk laikam domāts tieši administratoriem. Vēl protams ir atšķirība vai testa laikā ir pieejama komandrinda, gan jau ka nē un tādā lieta kā "man" komanda nevar tikt izmantota, bez viņas tā pagrūtāk atcerēties tos visus komandu parametrus.

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