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man ir problēma ar table pielikšana visiem iznākumiem!


Te būs kods!

<table border=1>
Display the results from the database
$q = "SELECT * FROM top";
$r = mysql_query($q);

if(mysql_num_rows($r)>0): //table is non-empty
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)):
	$net_vote = $row['votes_up'] - $row['votes_down']; //this is the net result of voting up and voting down

<th><?php echo $row['albums']; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $row['izpilditajs']; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $row['dziesma']; ?></th>
<th><span class='votes_count' id='votes_count<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'><?php echo $net_vote.""; ?></span></th>
<span class='vote_buttons' id='vote_buttons<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'>
	<a href='javascript:;' class='vote_up' id='<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'></a>
	<a href='javascript:;' class='vote_down' id='<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'></a>


Un ir tāda problēma ka tikai pirmo rindu no datubāzesieliek tabulā a parējās rindas paliek bez tabulas stāv vienā rindā plikas! :D

<table border=1>
Display the results from the database
$q = "SELECT * FROM top";
$r = mysql_query($q);

if(mysql_num_rows($r)>0): //table is non-empty
       while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)):
               $net_vote = $row['votes_up'] - $row['votes_down']; //this is the net result of voting up and voting down

<th><?php echo $row['albums']; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $row['izpilditajs']; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $row['dziesma']; ?></th>
<th><span class='votes_count' id='votes_count<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'><?php echo $net_vote.""; ?></span></th>
<span class='vote_buttons' id='vote_buttons<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'>
               <a href='javascript:;' class='vote_up' id='<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'></a>
               <a href='javascript:;' class='vote_down' id='<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'></a>


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