goma smile Posted July 14, 2008 Report Posted July 14, 2008 (edited) kas tie pa failiem .asp ?? ka var uz php partaisit rekas vina ieksa <!-- #include file="Config.inc" --> <html> <head> <title>Forum v1.00 :: Created by Tjoekbezoer (c)</title> <body bgcolor="<%= BackgroundColor %>" link="<%= LinkColor %>" vlink="<%= LinkColorVisited %>" alink="<%= LinkColorActive %>"> <!-- #include file="Style.inc" --> </head> <%= note %> <% 'If the querystring for accessing a board is empty (id1), then display the board survey If Request.Querystring("id1") = "" Then %> <table width=<%= TableSurveyAllWidth %> border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> <tr> <td colspan=2 class="Left" align=left width="<%= TableSurveyBoardsWidth %>"><font face="Arial" color="Black" size=3><b>Boards:</b></font></td> <td class="Middle" align=left width="<%= TableSurveyPostsWidth %>"><font face="Arial" color="Black" size=3><b>Posts:</b></font></td> <td class="Right" align=left width="<%= TableSurveyReactionsWidth %>"><font face="Arial" color="Black" size=3><b>Reactions:</b></font></td> </tr> <tr><td height=10></tr> <% Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(vPath & "messages.mdb")) 'Display all the topics defined in Config.inc i=0 j=1 For Each topic in Topics sSQLP = "SELECT Count(*) AS amount FROM messages WHERE Id1 =" & j & " AND OriginalMessage = 'Yes'" Set Posts = oConn.Execute(sSQLP) sSQLR = "SELECT Count(*) AS amount FROM messages WHERE Id1 =" & j & " AND OriginalMessage = 'No'" Set Reactions = oConn.Execute(sSQLR) Response.Write "<tr style='font-family=Arial;color=Black;font-size=14px'>" Response.Write"<td class='ContLeft'><img src='Images/Folder.gif' width=40 height=30></td>" Response.Write "<td class='ContMiddle' width=70% height=60 align=left>" Response.Write "<a href='index.asp?id1=" & TopicID(i) & "'><font color='Black'>" & topic & "</font></a><br>" Response.Write "<font size=1 face='Verdana'>" & TopicDesc(i) & "</font>" Response.Write "</td>" Response.Write "<td class='ContMiddle'>" & Posts("amount").Value & "</td>" Response.Write "<td class='ContRight'>" & Reactions("amount").Value & "</td>" Response.Write "</tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr>" i = i+1 j = j + 1 Next Response.Write "</table>" 'If id1 querystring is not empty, display the board with that id1 number Else %> <% Id1 = Request.Querystring("id1") Board = Id1 - 1 Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(vPath & "messages.mdb")) sSQL = "SELECT Id1, Id2, Id3, Titel, Name, LastReaction, LastReactionId, Locked FROM messages WHERE OriginalMessage = 'Yes' AND Id1 = " & Id1 & " ORDER BY LastReaction DESC" Set Forum = oConn.Execute(sSQL) %> <font style="font-family=<%= BoardStandardFontFace %>;color=<%= BoardStandardFontColor %>;font-size=<%= BoardStandardFontSize %>"> <font size=4>Board: <b><%= Topics(Board) %></b></font><br> <br> << <a href="index.asp">Back to the Board Survey</a> | <a href="Form_Message.asp?id1=<%= Id1 %>">Create new discussion</a> >><br> <br> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%> <tr style="font-family=<%= BoardTitleFontFace %>;color=<%= BoardTitleFontColor %>;font-size=<%= BoardTitleFontSize %>;font-weight=Bold"> <td colspan=2 class="Left" align=left width=50%>Title:</td> <td class="Middle" align=left>Reactions:</td> <td class="Middle" align=left nowrap>Started by:</td> <td class="Right" align=left nowrap>Last reaction:</td> </tr> <% Do While NOT Forum.EOF %> <tr style="font-family=<%= BoardThreadFontFace %>;color=<%= BoardThreadFontColor %>;font-size=<%= BoardThreadFontSize %>" bgcolor="<%= TableThreadColorLight %>"> <td align=left> <% 'Checking if Thread is Locked Locked = Forum("Locked").Value If Locked = "Yes" Then %> <img src="Images/Lock.gif" width=17 height=16 alt="This means it's a closed discussion. You need a password to access this discussion." border=0> <% Else %><b></b><% End If %> </td> <td align=left height=35> <% If Session("Mod") = "Yes" Then %> <a href="Delete.asp?Id2=<%= Forum("Id2").Value %>" target="_new"><font color="Red"><b>DEL</b></font></a> | <% End If %> <a href="message.asp?id3=<% =Forum("Id3").Value %>"><% =Forum("Titel").Value %></a> </font> </td> <td align=left> <% id2 = Forum("Id2").Value %> <% sSQLR = "SELECT Count(*) AS amount FROM messages WHERE Id2 =" & id2 & " AND OriginalMessage = 'No'" Set Reacties = oConn.Execute(sSQLR) %> <%= Reacties("amount").Value %> </font> </td> <td align=left> <% =Forum("Name").Value %> </font> </td> <td align=left> <% =Forum("LastReaction").Value %> </font> </td> </tr> <% Forum.MoveNext If Forum.EOF Then %> <tr><td></td></tr> <% Else %> <tr style="font-family=<%= BoardThreadFontFace %>;color=<%= BoardThreadFontColor %>;font-size=<%= BoardThreadFontSize %>" bgcolor="<%= TableThreadColorDark %>"> <td align=left> <% 'Checking if Thread is Locked Locked = Forum("Locked").Value If Locked = "Yes" Then %> <img src="Images/Lock.gif" width=17 height=16 alt="This means it's a closed discussion. You need a password to access this discussion." border=0> <% Else %><b></b><% End If %> </td> <td align=left height=35> <% If Session("Mod") = "Yes" Then %> <a href="Delete.asp?Id2=<%= Forum("Id2").Value %>" target="_new"><font color="Red"><b>DEL</b></font></a> | <% End If %> <a href="message.asp?id3=<% =Forum("Id3").Value %>"><% =Forum("Titel").Value %></a> </font> </td> <td align=left> <% id2 = Forum("Id2").Value %> <% sSQLR = "SELECT Count(*) AS amount FROM messages WHERE Id2 =" & id2 & " AND OriginalMessage = 'No'" Set Reacties = oConn.Execute(sSQLR) %> <%= Reacties("amount").Value %> </font> </td> <td align=left> <% =Forum("Name").Value %> </font> </td> <td align=left> <% =Forum("LastReaction").Value %> </font> </td> </tr> <% Forum.MoveNext End If Loop %> </table> <% End If %> </table> Edited July 14, 2008 by goma smile
andrisp Posted July 14, 2008 Report Posted July 14, 2008 Ar rociņām pārkodēt var. Automātiski AFAIK nevar.
codez Posted July 14, 2008 Report Posted July 14, 2008 (edited) http://www.google.lv/search?hl=lv&q=asp+to+Php Šis: http://design215.com/toolbox/translator/trans_login.php Man pārtulkoja aptuveni šādi: http://paste.php.lv/7625?lang=php Liekas, ka nāksies pašam tulkot :) Edited July 14, 2008 by codez
goma smile Posted July 14, 2008 Author Report Posted July 14, 2008 vispar baigi sudigi Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\AppServ\www\forums\index.php on line 42 jo es nezinu ko tas nozime vai tur kautkur vaig kontur iekavas
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