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Sveiki.. Gribēju apjautāties, varbūt kādam arī ir iznācis ņemties ar šo PDF ģeneratoru..

Kā var noņemt tabulai border līnijas, tikai noteiktiem cell (lai izskatās kā 2 tabulas blakus)? vai vnk kā var novietot 2 tabulas blakus, ar vienādām Y koordinātēm?!


Atsevišķam Cell izskatās, ka nevar... Taču veselai kolonnai laikam var.



....) ,allow the setting of other paramaters for the individual columns, each column can have its width

and/or its justification set.

'innerLineThickness' => <number>, the thickness of the inner lines, defaults to 1

'outerLineThickness' => <number>, the thickness of the outer lines, defaults to 1

'protectRows' => <number>, the number of rows to keep with the heading, if there are less than this

on a page, then all is moved to the next page.

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