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FileUpload kad Html type=Text


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Nu tāda vajadzība radās, kad Html kodā ievadīt varu tekstu:

<input type="text" name="file" id="file">

nevis izmantot

<input type="file" name="file" id="file">

vai var php pēc tam likt to saprast kā faila atrašanās vietu (C:\Direktorija\mansfails.txt) un veikt upload uz mājaslapu

Ceru, ka problēmu sapratāt.

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Tad jau šis nebūs īstais forums. Dodies vien uz kādu delphi forumu. Varu derēt, ka 101 cilvēks jau ir saskāries ar šādu problēmu.


Labi, rekur ar karotīti tev: http://www.google.lv/search?q=delphi+web+browser+upload+file&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:lv:official&client=firefox-a

Edited by briedis
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Par file lauka vertibas pieskirsanu ar JS, utt.

I'm afraid it is impossible to set a default value for file input. If you could, it would be a huge security risk because you can just upload any file on the user's computer on to yours without their notice even (with Javascript submit() and stuff).


Browseris drosiba apsverumu del, neatlaus to darit nekada gadijuma, jo tas paver iespeju no tava kompja weblapai dabut ara pilnigi jebko. Tapec file vertiba, tikai un vienigi manuali noradaama.

Edited by Blitz
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