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Saproti, ja plāns būtu ahujenais tad es uztaisītu tev pa velti uzliekot savu parakstu lapas apakšā, a kamēr tas ir banāls tamēr nevienam rokas negribās smerēt, ap sūdiem kas pēc nedēļas tiks slēgts dēļ nepietiekama apmeklējuma un citu iemeslu dēļ.


Mūsdienās bez labas idejas nav jēgas neko veidot... Neko! Mle :>

P.S. Ja kādam ir kāda laba ideja, tad aši pie manis. :)


Mūsdienās bez labas idejas nav jēgas neko veidot... Neko! Mle :>

P.S. Ja kādam ir kāda laba ideja, tad aši pie manis. :)


Pats idejas izdomat nevari :D


daGrevis - es drīzāk sliecos piekrist "Getting Real" autoriem:


Be An Executioner


It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want me to sign an nda to tell me the simplest idea.)


To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.



Awful idea = -1

Weak idea = 1

So-so idea = 5

Good idea = 10

Great idea = 15

Brilliant idea = 20

No execution = $1

Weak execution = $1000

So-so execution = $10,000

Good execution = $100,000

Great execution = $1,000,000

Brilliant execution = $10,000,000



To make a business, you need to multiply the two.


The most brilliant idea, with no execution, is worth $20. The most brilliant idea takes great execution to be worth $20,000,000.


That's why I don't want to hear people's ideas. I'm not interested until I see their execution.

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