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Posted (edited)


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type='text/javascript' src='misc/swfobject.js'></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="misc/style.css">
<title>MP3 ::: producentiem.lv</title>
<center><div id='preview'>This div will be replaced</div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var s1 = new SWFObject('misc/player.swf','player','470','350','9','#000000');






* This is a sample file that reads through a directory, filters the mp3/jpg/flv
* files and builds a playlist from it. After looking through this file, you'll
* probably 'get the idea' and'll be able to setup your own directory.

// set this to a creator name
$creator = "Myself";

// search for mp3 files. set this to '.flv' or '.jpg' for the other scripts
$filter = ".mp3";

// path to the directory you want to scan
// "./" = current directory
$directory = "./mp3";

// URL to files
$url = "http://mp3.producentiem.lv/mp3/";

/////////////////////////// no user configuration variables below this \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

// read through the directory and filter files to an array
@$d = dir($directory);
if ($d)
 while($entry = $d->read())
   $ps = strpos(strtolower($entry), $filter);
   if (!($ps === false))
     $items[$entry]['mtime'] = filemtime($entry);

// the playlist is built in an xspf format
// first, we'll add an xml header and the opening tags...
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n";
echo "<playlist version='1' xmlns='http://xspf.org/ns/0/'>\n";
echo "  <title>Sample PHP Generated Playlist</title>\n";
echo "  <info>" . $url . "</info>\n";
echo "  <trackList>\n";

// ...then we loop through the array...
foreach($items as $key => $value){
 $title = substr($key, 0, strlen($key) - 4);
 echo "    <track>\n";
 echo "      <creator>"  . $creator          . "</creator>\n";
 echo "      <title>"    . $title            . "</title>\n";
 echo "      <location>" . $url . '/' . $key . "</location>\n";
 echo "      <info>"     . $url              . "</info>\n";
 echo "    </track>\n";

// ...and last we add the closing tags
echo "  </trackList>\n";
echo "</playlist>\n";

* That's it! You can feed this playlist to the SWF by setting this as it's 'file' 
* parameter in your HTML page.



Playeris man parādās, bet bez apakšējās playista un rāda ERROR #2048

Edited by ziedinjsh

lai atvērtu xml tad jau jābūt xml failam.. man nav.. un ja atveru playlist.php man rādas:



Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/produc/public_html/mp3/playlist.php on line 38


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/produc/public_html/mp3/playlist.php on line 51


Pirms 38. rindiņas tātad $items nav ticis definēts - tātad ne reizi nav bijuši nosacījumi, lai izpildītos:

$items[$entry]['mtime'] = filemtime($entry);


51. rindiņa - tieši tas pats iemesls.

Posted (edited)

es īsti nesapratu par to 51 rindiņu.. ieliku pirms 38 rindiņas ko teici, bet tagad rāda šādi:



Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for 01-gregor_tresher-a_thousand_nights_(dubfire_quiet_storm_remix)-scratch.mp3 in /home/produc/public_html/mp3/playlist.php on line 34

http://mp3.producentiem.lv/mp3/ Myself http://mp3.producentiem.lv/mp3//0 http://mp3.producentiem.lv/mp3/ Myself http://mp3.producentiem.lv/mp3//01-gregor_tresher-a_thousand_nights_(dubfire_quiet_storm_remix)-scratch.mp3 http://mp3.producentiem.lv/mp3/


Liakam jau to tur navajadzēja likt.. tātad kā jānodefinē $items?

Edited by ziedinjsh

Nē, neko nekur likt es neteicu.

Lūk ir koda fragments:

if ($d)
 while($entry = $d->read())
   $ps = strpos(strtolower($entry), $filter);
   if (!($ps === false))
     $items[$entry]['mtime'] = filemtime($entry);

ja $d->read() ne reizi neizpildās, tad arī nav iespējas pārbaudīt nākamo lietu - if (!($ps === false)). Tikai ja izpildās arī if (!($ps === false)), vispār tiek izveidots tāds $items. Starp citu... Kā Tev šķiet, ko tieši šis salīdzinājums pārbauda: if (!($ps === false)) ?

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