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Lapa kurā gļuki: http://mechtopia.net/projectx/lolmaorofl/newst0f/index.php

Šajā lapā ir News box kurā ar Ajax nolasa no getsite.php textu. Spiezhot uz linkiem dabuj "ziņas".

Viss itkā OK, bet kad Ctrl + F5 (lai refreshotu visu) tieši šajā lapā, man tukša lapa un aukšā kkadi ķeburi. Apmēram pēc 1 sekundes aiziet normālā lapa.

Atklāju ka tas ir no šīs rindiņas lapā:


<body onload="MyAjaxRequest('news_main','getsite.php?state=onload')">


news_main ir DIVs un tas getsite.php?state=onload liek Newsboxa paradities informacijai kas ir getsite.php kad lapa tiek ieladeta jeb state=onload.

Man šo rindiņu vajag lai rādītos informācija kad lapa tiko ielādēta, bet tad tas gļuks. Šeit ir Ajax kods (pats neraxtiju, bet dabuju interneta jo neko daudz nesaprotu no Javascript/Ajax):


function MyAjaxRequest(target_div,file,check_div)
var MyHttpRequest = false;
var MyHttpLoading = '<p>Loading...</p>'; // or use an animated gif instead: var MyHttpLoading = '<img src="loading.gif" border="0" alt="running" />';
var ErrorMSG = 'Sorry - No XMLHTTP support in your browser, buy a newspaper instead';

var check_value = document.getElementById(check_div).value;
var check_value = '';

if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // client use Firefox, Opera etc - Non Microsoft product
MyHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
MyHttpRequest = false;
else if(window.ActiveXObject) // client use Internet Explorer
MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
MyHttpRequest = false;
MyHttpRequest = false;

if(MyHttpRequest) // browser supports httprequest
var random = Math.random() * Date.parse(new Date()); // make a random string to prevent caching

var file_array = file.split('.'); // prepare to check if we have a query string or a html/htm file
if(file_array[1] == 'php') // no query string, just calling a php file
 var query_string = '?rand=' + random;
else if(file_array[1] == 'htm' || file_array[1] == 'html') // calling a htm or html file
 var query_string = '';
else // we have presumable a php file with a query string attached
 var query_string = check_value + '&rand=' + random;

MyHttpRequest.open("get", url_encode(file + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET

// handle the httprequest
MyHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function ()
if(MyHttpRequest.readyState == 4) // done and responded
document.getElementById(target_div).innerHTML = MyHttpRequest.responseText; // display result
document.getElementById(target_div).innerHTML = MyHttpLoading; // still working
document.getElementById(target_div).innerHTML = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest
// end of "AJAX" function

// Here follows a function to urlencode the string we run through our httprequest, it has nothing to do with AJAX itself
// If you look carefully in the above httprequest you se that we use this url_encode function around the file and query_string
// This is very handy since we are using GET in our httprequest and for instance
// any occurrance of the char # (from textboxes etc) will brake the string we are sending to our file - we don't want that to brake!
// It will also convert spaces to +

function url_encode(string)
var string;
var safechars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/-_.&?=";
var hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
var encoded_string = "";
for(var i = 0; i < string.length; i++)
var character = string.charAt(i);
if(character == " ")
encoded_string += "+";
else if(safechars.indexOf(character) != -1)
encoded_string += character;
var hexchar = character.charCodeAt(0);
if(hexchar > 255)
encoded_string += "+";
encoded_string += "%";
encoded_string += hex.charAt((hexchar >> 4) & 0xF);
encoded_string += hex.charAt(hexchar & 0xF);
return encoded_string;

// end .js file




Ja no AJAX neko daudz nesaproti, iesaku pameegjinaat jQuery un taa AJAX iebuuveetaas fiichas. Jaabuut galiigam analfabeetam, lai nesaprastu :)

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