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Tātad Tev vajadzēs kaut ko tādu iekš HTDOCS mapes uztaisīt zem hosta mapi ar nosaukumu: Service tālāk taisam iekš mapes: Factory.php / Registry.php Factory.php <?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Swap. * * (c) Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Swap\Service; use Exchanger\Service\HttpService; use Http\Client\HttpClient; use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery; use Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery; use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface; use Http\Message\RequestFactory; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface; /** * Helps building services. * * @author Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> */ final class Factory { /** * The client. * * @var HttpClient */ private $httpClient; /** * The request factory. * * @var RequestFactory */ private $requestFactory; /** * The service registry. * * @var Registry */ private $registry; /** * @param HttpClient|ClientInterface|null $httpClient * @param RequestFactoryInterface|null $requestFactory */ public function __construct($httpClient = null, RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory = null) { if (null === $httpClient) { $httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find(); } else { if (!$httpClient instanceof ClientInterface && !$httpClient instanceof HttpClient) { throw new \LogicException('Client must be an instance of Http\\Client\\HttpClient or Psr\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'); } } $this->httpClient = $httpClient; $this->requestFactory = $requestFactory ?: Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findRequestFactory(); $this->registry = new Registry(); } /** * Sets the http client. * * @param HttpClient|ClientInterface $httpClient */ public function setHttpClient($httpClient): void { if (!$httpClient instanceof ClientInterface && !$httpClient instanceof HttpClient) { throw new \LogicException('Client must be an instance of Http\\Client\\HttpClient or Psr\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'); } $this->httpClient = $httpClient; } /** * Sets the request factory. * * @param RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory */ public function setRequestFactory(RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory): void { $this->requestFactory = $requestFactory; } /** * Creates a new service. * * @param string $serviceName * @param array $args * * @return \Exchanger\Contract\ExchangeRateService */ public function create(string $serviceName, array $args = []) { if (!$this->registry->has($serviceName)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The service "%s" is not registered.', $serviceName)); } $classOrCallable = $this->registry->get($serviceName); if (is_callable($classOrCallable)) { return call_user_func($classOrCallable); } if (is_subclass_of($classOrCallable, HttpService::class)) { return new $classOrCallable($this->httpClient, $this->requestFactory, $args); } $r = new \ReflectionClass($classOrCallable); return $r->newInstanceArgs($args); } } ?> Registry.php <?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Swap. * * (c) Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Swap\Service; use Exchanger\Service\Registry as ExchangerRegistry; /** * Holds services. * * @author Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> */ final class Registry { /** * The registered services. * * @var array */ private static $services = []; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->registerServices(); } /** * Tells of the registry has the given service. * * @param string $name The service name * * @return bool */ public function has(string $name): bool { return isset(self::$services[$name]); } /** * Gets a service. * * @param string $name The service name * * @return string|null */ public function get(string $name) { return isset(self::$services[$name]) ? self::$services[$name] : null; } /** * Registers a new service. * * @param string $name The service name * @param string|callable $classOrCallable The class name or a callable * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function register(string $name, $classOrCallable): void { self::$services[$name] = $classOrCallable; } /** * Registers the core services. */ private function registerServices(): void { $services = ExchangerRegistry::getServices(); foreach ($services as $name => $class) { self::register($name, $class); } } } ?> Tagad laižam tālāk! Tagad mums atkal vajadzēs divus failus: Builder.php / Swap.php -> Builder.php <?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Swap. * * (c) Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Swap; use Exchanger\Contract\ExchangeRateService; use Exchanger\Exchanger; use Exchanger\Service\Chain; use Http\Client\HttpClient; use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface; use Swap\Service\Factory; use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface; /** * Helps building Swap. * * @author Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> */ final class Builder { /** * The services. * * @var array */ private $services = []; /** * The options. * * @var array */ private $options = []; /** * The http client. * * @var HttpClient */ private $httpClient; /** * The request factory. * * @var RequestFactoryInterface */ private $requestFactory; /** * The cache. * * @var CacheInterface */ private $cache; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $options */ public function __construct(array $options = []) { $this->options = $options; } /** * Adds a service by service name. * * @param string $serviceName * @param array $options * * @return Builder */ public function add(string $serviceName, array $options = []): self { $this->services[$serviceName] = $options; return $this; } /** * Add a service by service instance. * * @param ExchangeRateService $exchangeRateService * * @return Builder */ public function addExchangeRateService(ExchangeRateService $exchangeRateService): self { $this->services[spl_object_hash($exchangeRateService)] = $exchangeRateService; return $this; } /** * Uses the given http client. * * @param HttpClient|ClientInterface $httpClient * * @return Builder */ public function useHttpClient($httpClient): self { if (!$httpClient instanceof ClientInterface && !$httpClient instanceof HttpClient) { throw new \LogicException('Client must be an instance of Http\\Client\\HttpClient or Psr\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'); } $this->httpClient = $httpClient; return $this; } /** * Uses the given request factory. * * @param RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory * * @return Builder */ public function useRequestFactory(RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory): self { $this->requestFactory = $requestFactory; return $this; } /** * Uses the given simple cache. * * @param CacheInterface $cache * * @return Builder */ public function useSimpleCache(CacheInterface $cache): self { $this->cache = $cache; return $this; } /** * Builds Swap. * * @return Swap */ public function build(): Swap { $serviceFactory = new Factory($this->httpClient, $this->requestFactory); /** @var ExchangeRateService[] $services */ $services = []; foreach ($this->services as $name => $optionsOrService) { /** @var array|ExchangeRateService $optionsOrService */ if ($optionsOrService instanceof ExchangeRateService) { $services[] = $optionsOrService; } else { $services[] = $serviceFactory->create($name, $optionsOrService); } } $service = new Chain($services); $exchanger = new Exchanger($service, $this->cache, $this->options); return new Swap($exchanger); } } ?> Swap.php <?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Swap. * * (c) Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Swap; use Exchanger\Contract\ExchangeRateProvider; use Exchanger\ExchangeRateQueryBuilder; use Exchanger\Contract\ExchangeRate as ExchangeRateContract; /** * Swap is an easy to use facade to retrieve exchange rates from various services. * * @author Florian Voutzinos <[email protected]> */ class Swap { /** * The exchange rate provider. * * @var ExchangeRateProvider */ private $exchangeRateProvider; /** * Creates a new Swap. * * @param ExchangeRateProvider $exchangeRateProvider */ public function __construct(ExchangeRateProvider $exchangeRateProvider) { $this->exchangeRateProvider = $exchangeRateProvider; } /** * Quotes a currency pair. * * @param string $currencyPair The currency pair like "EUR/USD" * @param array $options An array of query options * * @return ExchangeRateContract */ public function latest(string $currencyPair, array $options = []): ExchangeRateContract { return $this->quote($currencyPair, null, $options); } /** * Quotes a currency pair. * * @param string $currencyPair The currency pair like "EUR/USD" * @param \DateTimeInterface $date An optional date for historical rates * @param array $options An array of query options * * @return ExchangeRateContract */ public function historical(string $currencyPair, \DateTimeInterface $date, array $options = []): ExchangeRateContract { return $this->quote($currencyPair, $date, $options); } /** * Quotes a currency pair. * * @param string $currencyPair The currency pair like "EUR/USD" * @param \DateTimeInterface $date An optional date for historical rates * @param array $options An array of query options * * @return ExchangeRateContract */ private function quote(string $currencyPair, \DateTimeInterface $date = null, array $options = []): ExchangeRateContract { $exchangeQueryBuilder = new ExchangeRateQueryBuilder($currencyPair); if (null !== $date) { $exchangeQueryBuilder->setDate($date); } foreach ($options as $name => $value) { $exchangeQueryBuilder->addOption($name, $value); } $query = $exchangeQueryBuilder->build(); return $this->exchangeRateProvider->getExchangeRate($query); } } ?> Viss ir izdarīts un tālāk jau notiek ievades un izvades! 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