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Hmm...man mapes tikai cutenews,db,images,phpmyadmin..un citi php..un skatos kur tam linkam vispār citi php...

(Ja kas kur cutenews tur itkā citi faili,,register, un citi)...???

Vai man iemest php fusion pa jaunam?un pa virsu to jocīgu saitu?

p.s nejedzu ko rakstu..tulit meigināšu..

Posted (edited)

Tas kuR?

Emm es biju te samainiji

$config_check_referer = True; // Set to TRUE for more seciruty

No TRUE uz FALSE biju uzlicis jo tur tā prasija..un Voļa..ERORS GATAVS :(

Ko darīt?

Un vel..varbūt te kautko janokonfigurē?


//System Configurations

$config_http_script_dir = "http://cs-pubs.oo.lv/cutenews";

$config_skin = "default";

$config_date_adjust = "0";

$config_smilies = "smile,wink,wassat,tongue,laughing,sad,angry,crying";

$config_auto_archive = "no";

$config_allow_registration = "yes";

$config_registration_level = "4";

$config_use_avatar = "no";

$config_use_wysiwyg = "no";

$config_reverse_active = "no";

$config_timestamp_active = "d M Y";

$config_full_popup = "no";

$config_full_popup_string = "HEIGHT=400,WIDTH=650,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes";

$config_show_comments_with_full = "yes";

$config_auto_wrap = "44";

$config_reverse_comments = "no";

$config_flood_time = "15";

$config_comment_max_long = "1500";

$config_comments_per_page = "50";

$config_only_registered_comment = "no";

$config_allow_url_instead_mail = "yes";

$config_timestamp_comment = "d M Y h:i a";

$config_comments_popup = "no";

$config_comments_popup_string = "HEIGHT=400,WIDTH=650,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes";

$config_show_full_with_comments = "yes";

$config_notify_email = "crystal22@inbox.lv";

$config_notify_status = "disabled";

$config_notify_registration = "yes";

$config_notify_comment = "no";

$config_notify_unapproved = "no";

$config_notify_archive = "no";

$config_notify_postponed = "no";


Edited by owned2

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