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man ir taaads kuerijs!


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_1 where row1='1' AND row2='"1."' and row3='1' order by time desc ")


viss ir ok.. bet dati tiek izvadiiti peec pieprasiijuma un dilstoshas laika seciibas starp atlasitajiem ieraxtiem! bet vai ir iespeejams izveidot seciibu taa lai laiku njemtu no visiem pieraxtiem!


Paldies jau ieprieksh!


kaa tu to domaa, laiku njem notu no visiem pierakstiem? tavs select teikums jau arii njem laiku no visiem pierakstiem kas atbilst where nosaciijumam.


Ja biji domaajis, ka, piem., tev ir shaada te tabula:


col1 | col2 | time


aaa1 | aaa2 | 100

bbb1 | bbb2 | 101

xxx1 | xxx2 | 102

ddd1 | ddd2 | 103


Un uztaisi

SELECT * FROM `tabula` WHERE `col1`='aaa1' AND `col2`='bbb2' ORDER BY `time` DESC;


tiks atlasiits:


col1 | col2 | time


bbb1 | bbb2 | 101

aaa1 | aaa2 | 100


Ar to tev vai tad nepietiek?


p.s. ja nu kas, tad paskaidro bisk siikaak, jo man pa nakti neaiziet tik aatri ko iisti nevari sakodeet ;) :D

Posted (edited)

news_id | cat_id | com_id | title | active | time


1 | 1 | 1 | title1 | 1 | 10:01

2 | 1 | 1 | c_title1 | 0 | 10:13

3 | 2 | 1 | title2 | 1 | 10:08

4 | 2 | 1 | c_title2 | 0 | 10:10

5 | 2 | 1 | c_title2 | 0 | 10:12


 SELECT * FROM tabula WHERE com_id='1' AND cat_id=1 AND active='1' order by 'time'  DESC




title | last coment @ 10:13

title2 | last coment @ 10:12



ceru ka saprataat...

Edited by tikkai maacos

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY `datestamp` DESC LIMIT 0, 10");

while($news = mysql_fetch_array($result))
print $news['title']." | ".$news['comments']." @ ".$news['datestamp']."";



// LIMIT 10 ( cik izvadit zinjas kopa ... )

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY `datestamp` DESC LIMIT 0, 10");

while($news = mysql_fetch_array($result))
print $news['title']." | ".$news['comments']." @ ".$news['datestamp']."";



// LIMIT 10 ( cik izvadit zinjas kopa ... )


nu jaa... to es saprotu... bet vajag lai sortee peec visiem ieraxtiem time kur news_id = 1


tas vareetu izskatiities shaadi


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY (SELECT time FROM `news` where news_id=`1`") DECS;


vai kaut kaa taa.. :)

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