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Iepeistotais teksts jwysiwyg editora textareā bez formāta


Posted (edited)

Plugins - https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg


Nekādi neizdodas nokonfigurēt, lai iepeistojot tekstu textareā, tam nerādītos nokopētais formāts.


Pašreizējais konfigs:



$(function() {
           //$('#wysiwyg').wysiwyg.rmFormat.enabled = true;
               css : { fontFamily: 'Arial, Helvetica ,clean,sans-serif', fontSize : '12px'},
               rmUnusedControls: true,
               controls: {
                   bold: { visible: true },
                   underline: { visible: true },
                   removeFormat: { visible: true },
                   justifyLeft: { visible: true },
                   justifyCenter: { visible: true },
                   justifyRight: { visible: true },
                   justifyFull: { visible: true },
                   insertOrderedList: { visible: true },
                   insertUnorderedList: { visible: true }
                   //subscript: { visible: false },
                   //superscript: { visible: false },
                   //italic: { visible: false },
                   //strikeThrough: { visible: false },
                   //undo: { visible: false },
                   //redo: { visible: false },
                   //indent: { visible: false },
                   //outdent: { visible: false },
                   //h1: { visible: false },
                   //h2: { visible: false },
                   //h3: { visible: false },
                   //insertTable: { visible: false },
                   //insertImage: { visible: false },
                   //createLink: { visible: false },
                   //html: { visible: false },
                   //insertHorizontalRule: { visible: false },
                   //removeFormat: { visible: false }
               initialContent: ''


Te piemērs -> http://screencast.com/t/llXu8Bim


Šeit puikas raksta par šo fīču - https://github.com/a...iwyg/issues/222


Vispār baigais sviests, neko google nepiedāvā jēdzīgu par šo "automatically paste plain text jWYSIWYG"


> Šeit izmantošu CKEditor (http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/jQuery_Adapter)

Edited by senters

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