radikaalz Posted January 11, 2010 Report Share Posted January 11, 2010 Sveiki! Nezinu kaapeec, bet idejas, kuras ienaak tieshi pirms aizmigshanas parasti meegjinu izmeegjinaat. Nav nekaa sarezhgjiita, bet ceru uz Juusu paliidziibu. Kaarteejais unique visitor counter. Datubaaze nav vajadziiga. Pats .php scripts, kuram liidz dodas .txt faili: log.txt, raw.txt, temp.txt counter.txt un tas php scripts jaaincludee savaa lapaa, ko maaku. counter.php <?php extract($HTTP_GET_VARS); extract($HTTP_POST_VARS); $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR); $date = date("d"); $today = date("d:M:Y"); $user = file("counter.txt"); $lis = 0; $log_file = "log.txt"; $log_lenght = 30; $max_file_size = 3; $file_size= filesize($log_file); $log_size = $file_size/1024; if ($action!="stats"){ $qwe = file("raw.txt"); for($b = 0; $b <sizeof($qwe);$b++){ $last = explode("|",$qwe[$b]); } $last1file = fopen ("raw.txt", "w"); fwrite ($last1file, $last[0]+1); fclose ($last1file); if ($log_size > $max_file_size) { $filename = "log.txt"; $fd = fopen ($filename, "r"); $stuff = fread ($fd, filesize($filename)); fclose ($fd); $last_file = fopen ("temp.txt", "a+"); fwrite ($last_file, $stuff); fclose($last_file); $fz = fopen ("log.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fz, ""); fclose($fz); $filename1 = "temp.txt"; $fd1 = fopen ($filename1, "r"); $stuff1 = fread ($fd1, filesize($filename1)-1024); fclose ($fd1); $fm = fopen ("log.txt", "a+"); fwrite ($fm, $stuff1); fclose ($fm); $fy = fopen ("temp.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fy, ""); fclose($fy); } for($x=0;$x<sizeof($user);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); $opp[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];"; $such = strstr($temp[0],$ip.".6978521"); if($such) { $list[$lis] = $opp[$x]; $lis++; } if($temp[1] != $date) { $fp = fopen ("log.txt", "a+"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, sizeof($user)); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $temp[2]); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, "$last[0]"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, "\n"); fclose ($fp); $last2file = fopen ("raw.txt", "w"); $mm = fwrite ($last2file, "1"); fclose ($last2file); $fq = fopen ("counter.txt", "w"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, $ip); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ".6978521"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ";"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, $date); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ";"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, $today); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ";"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, "\n"); fclose ($fq); break; } } if(sizeof($list) != "0") { }else{ $fp = fopen ("counter.txt", "a+"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $ip); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ".6978521"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $date); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $today); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, "\n"); fclose ($fp); } } if($action == "stats"){ $db_file = "log.txt"; $latest_max = 30; $lines = file($db_file); $a = count($lines)-1; $u = $a - $latest_max; $unique = file("counter.txt"); $ut = count($unique); $file_size= filesize("log.txt"); $log_size = $file_size/1024; $raw = "raw.txt"; $fn = fopen ($raw, "r"); $puff = fread ($fn, filesize($raw)); fclose ($fn); echo "<font face=arial size=2>Unique Hits Today: <B>$ut</B><BR> Raw Hits Today: <B>$puff </B></font><HR color=#CCCCCC>"; ?> <STYLE type=text/css> TD { COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; FONT-SIZE: 13px } </STYLE> <font face=arial size=2><U><B>Statistics of last 30 days</B></U> (Days with 0 visits are not shown)<table border=1 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#00000 width=50% bgcolor=#AFC6DB><td border=1 width=15%><B>Day</B></td><td width=15% border=1><B>Unique Visits</B></td><td border=1 width=15%><B>Raw Visits</B></td> <?php for($i = $a; $i >= $u ;$i--){ $temp = explode(";",$lines[$i]); echo "<tr><td border=1 width=15%>$temp[1]</td><td width=15% border=1>$temp[0]</td><td width=15% border=1>$temp[2]</td>"; } ?> </table></font> <?php } ?> Meegjinu kaut kaa dabuut, ka ieejot piemeeram hxtp://mysite.com/counter tiek spiesti dati no hxtp://mysite/counter/index.php?action=stats uzreiz pa taisno. Tas ir, nevajag spiest veel vienu linku, lai apskatiitu apmekleejumu statistiku. ieejot hxtp://mysite.com/counter vareetu izsaktiities shaadi: Kaads var pateikt, kaa man dabuut statistiku jau pashaa index failaa, jo scripa read-me ir teikts tikai includeet counter.php paldies Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2easy Posted January 11, 2010 Report Share Posted January 11, 2010 spoiler ftw ;) echo '<div style="font: 20px Arial, sans-serif; color: #000; text-align: center; border: 3px solid #e50909; -moz-border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px">' . 'Today this site has been visited by<br />' . count(file('counter.txt')) . '<br />glad and happy unique visitors.</div>'; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
radikaalz Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 11, 2010 @2easy nu veciit, liels paldies! Auuu! :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
radikaalz Posted January 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 17, 2010 (edited) Sry ka paceļu vecu topiku, bet atkal sakarā ar šo pašu php scriptu. Scripts ir palabots. <?php ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Riga'); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date("d"); $today = date("d:M:Y"); $users = file("counter.txt"); // parsaucu no user par users, lai velak nodemonstretu nelielu magiju; $lis = 0; $log_file = "log.txt"; $log_lenght = 30; $max_file_size = 3; $file_size= filesize($log_file); $log_size = $file_size/1024; if ($_GET['action'] != "stats"){ $qwe = file("raw.txt"); $last = end($qwe); $last = explode("|", $last); $last1file = fopen ("raw.txt", "w"); // lai ari kas tur netiktu saglabats, šadi ir isak un atrak. ;-) fwrite ($last1file, $last[0]+1); fclose ($last1file); if ($log_size > $max_file_size) { $filename = "log.txt"; $fd = fopen ($filename, "r"); $stuff = fread ($fd, filesize($filename)-1024); // pec faila aizveršanas mainigaja paliek vertiba, ko tu taja esi ielasijis, tadel nevajag veidot otro failu un cakareties ar to; fclose ($fd); $fm = fopen ("log.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fm, $stuff); fclose ($fm); } $list = array(); // pirms cikliem un if`iem ir labi pateikt, ka mainigais bus masivs, ja to izmanto ari kaut kur talak koda, savadak velak var tikt mestas kludas; foreach($users as $user){ $temp = explode(";",$user); $opp = $temp[0] . ';' . $temp[1] . ';' . $temp[2] . ';'; // nav jegas lieki piedirst atminu, liekot datus masiva, ja mes talak koda izmantojam tikai ta pašreizejo elementu; if(strpos($temp[0],$ip.".6978521")){ // tev vajag noskaidrot tikai vai teksta ir apakšteksts, tadel $list[] = $opp; // pieškiršana bez elementa skaititaja automatiski palielina masiva skaititaju par 1 un ieliek jaunaja vieta vertibu; // gadijuma te nevareja uzreiz likt iekša $user? Tada gadijuma mes varetu iztikt bez salimešanas atpakal; } if($temp[1] != $date) { $fp = fopen ("log.txt", "a+"); $textLine = count($users) . ';' . $temp[2] . ';' . $last[0] . ";\n"; $fw = fwrite ($fp, $textLine); fclose ($fp); $last2file = fopen ("raw.txt", "w"); $mm = fwrite ($last2file, "1"); fclose ($last2file); $fq = fopen ("counter.txt", "w"); $textLine = $ip . '.6978521;' . $date . ';' . $today . ";\n"; $fy = fwrite ($fq, $textLine); fclose ($fq); break; } } if(count($list) == "0") { $fp = fopen ("counter.txt", "a+"); $textLine = $ip . '.6978521;' . $date . ';' . $today . ";\n"; $fw = fwrite ($fp, $textLine); fclose ($fp); } } if($action == "stats"){ $db_file = "log.txt"; $latest_max = 30; $lines = file($db_file); $a = count($lines)-1; $u = $a - $latest_max; // te nak videja apmeklejuma skaitišana, ja es pareizi esmu sapratis, ka apmeklejuma dati tev glabajas faila log.txt $maxHits = $maxHosts = 0; // sakuma maksimums bus nulle; šadi 2 mainigajiem pieškir vienu un to pašu vertibu (slinka metode, lai nav jaraksta 2 rindas); $sumHits = $sumHosts = 0; // šajos mainigajos vienkarši summesim kopa visus; foreach($lines as $line){ $items = explode(';', $line); $sumHosts += (int)$items[0]; // vienkarši pieskaitam klat; ar (int) mes pasakam, kodam, ka mes gribam redzet integer tipa mainigo $sumHits += (int)$items[2]; // vienkarši pieskaitam klat; if((int)$items[0] > $maxHosts){ // ja esam atraduši lielako, tad atceramies to; $maxHosts = (int)$items[0]; } if((int)$items[2] > $maxHits){ // ja esam atraduši lielako starp hostiem, tad atceramies to; $maxHits = (int)$items[2]; } } $avgHosts = round(($sumHosts / $a), 2); $avgHits = round(($sumHits / $a), 2); // tagad druka lauka $maxHosts, $maxHits, $avgHosts un $avgHits, kur vien velies, jo tajos ir visi tev vajadzigie dati. $unique = file("counter.txt"); $ut = count($unique); $file_size= filesize("log.txt"); $log_size = $file_size/1024; $raw = "raw.txt"; $fn = fopen ($raw, "r"); $puff = fread ($fn, filesize($raw)); fclose ($fn); echo "<font face=arial size=2>Šodienas unikalie apmeklejumi: <B>" . $ut . "</B><BR> Šodien atkartotie apmeklejumi: <B>" . $puff . "</B></font><HR color=#CCCCCC>"; ?> <STYLE type=text/css> TD { COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; FONT-SIZE: 13px } </STYLE> <font face=arial size=2><U><B>Statistika par pedejam 30 dienam </B></U><table border=1 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#00000 width=50% bgcolor=#AFC6DB><td border=1 width=15%><B>Diena</B></td><td width=15% border=1><B>Unikalie apmeklejumi</B></td><td border=1 width=15%><B>Atkartotie apmeklejumi</B></td> <?php for($i = $a; $i >= $u ;$i--){ $temp = explode(";",$lines[$i]); echo "<tr><td border=1 width=15%>" . $temp[1] . "</td><td width=15% border=1>" . $temp[0] . "</td><td width=15% border=1>" . $temp[2] . "</td>"; } ?> </table></font> <?php } ?> Man bija vajadzīgs lai es varu dabūt ārā vidējo apmeklējumu skaitu un maksimālo sasniegto vienas dienas laikā. Domāju, ka viss ir scriptam kā vajag, tikai 1 maza problēma. tad kad es ievadu http://blablabla.com/counter.php?action=stats vispār tukša bilde, bet vajadzētu būt līdzīgai tādai tabulai: kodulasīju un pētiju, bet tik un tā nevaru saprast, kāpēc tabula nerādās, jo PHP zināšanu nav nekādu lielo. Kāds var palīdzēt? paldies Edited January 17, 2010 by radikaalz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pentiums Posted January 17, 2010 Report Share Posted January 17, 2010 if($action == "stats") nomaini uz if($_GET['action'] == "stats") Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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