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ffmpeg scripta problema

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$numbers = time() + "_" + rand(1000,9999);

$saveflvpath = "./movies/";

$converted = "./movies/converted/".$numbers.".flv";

$ffmpeg = "C:/xampp/htdocs/ffmpeg/ffmpeg";

$command = $ffmpeg." -v 0 -y -i $saveflvpath$file -s 580x382 -f flv -r 30 -ar 44100 $converted";

$output= exec($command." 2>&1");

print "$output";



Izmet aaraa: Usually that means that input file is truncated and/or corrupted.

Nevaru iisti atrast probleemu. Iespeejams pie vainas ir, ka experementeeju uz windows'a.

Meybe kaads ir ar kko taadu saskaaries, un vareetu pateikt kur mekleejams risinaajums.


pamegini konverted uz ogg formatu

Posted (edited)

sataisi echo $command peece taas

parveido no

$command = $ffmpeg." -v 0 -y -i $saveflvpath$file -s 580x382 -f flv -r 30 -ar 44100 $converted";


$command = $ffmpeg." -v 0 -y -i ".$saveflvpath.$file." -s 580x382 -f flv -r 30 -ar 44100 ".$converted;

Edited by p4F

Itkaa saanaaca. Pats biju mazliet kljudijies. Tagad man izskataas taa:






$upload=move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $path.$file['name']);

chmod($path.$file['name'], 0755);

$numbers = time() + "_" + rand(1000,9999);

$saveflvpath = "C:/xampp/htdocs/movies/";

$converted = "C:/xampp/htdocs/movies/converted/".$numbers.".flv";

$ffmpeg = "C:/xampp/htdocs/ffmpeg/ffmpeg";

//$command = $ffmpeg." -i $saveflvpath$file -f ogg -acodec mp3 -ab 256k -ac 1 -b 5000 -r 30 -s 580x382 -ar 44100 $converted";

//$command = $ffmpeg." -i $upload -f ogg -acodec mp3 -ab 256k -ac 1 -b 5000 -r 30 -s 580x382 -ar 44100 $converted";

$command = $ffmpeg." -v 0 -y -i ".$path.$file['name']." -s 580x382 -f flv -r 30 -ar 44100 ".$converted;

$output= exec($command." 2>&1");

print "$output";

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