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Kaa tieshi var nonjemt visus ierobezhojumus FILE UPLOAD ? It kaa kaut ko njeemu php.ini, tomeer joprojaam nekas virs 3mb negrib kopeeties.... :(


veel taads joks, ka no LAN varu uploadot lielus failus, tomeer no ineta izmantojot savu skriptinju tikai kaadu 1-3mb un tad viss nojuuk:((


Nu ja tev tas taimauts ir uz 5min uzlikts, bet lai tu no neta uploudotu 10Mb tev vajaga 10min, tad vinjsh partrauc to uploudu.


Nu tas varetu buut - tad nomaini tu uz kaut ko lielaaku (pats isti nezinu vai tas ir tas, jo nav bijusi vajadziba)


Esmu palielinaajis shaadus parametrus:







Tos man variet neieteikt vairs palielinaat:)) Bet par tiem taimautiem, kaa tad ar vinjiem iisti ir, tieshaam neviens nezin?


shkjiet vaina ir APACHE


A huge note to apache users handling large file uploads via http.


If you are seeing your uploads return with a white page, and your page doesn't finish parsing, you need to set your Apache Timeout directive to a larger value. The default is 300 seconds for Apache


Apache does not as of yet have seperate timeout values for reading and writing responses, so it times out your upload because the server has not sent you any data within that timeout period. The Apache folks should fix this in a next release, as its really annoying for us who write systems which handle large file uploads! I mean, if you set your Apache conf to have a timeout of say, 24 hours (for slow connections on large uploads), you're leaving your server open to DOS attacks. ;((

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