alfinsh Posted November 11, 2007 Report Posted November 11, 2007 (edited) Sveiki.. man ir izveidots topsites.. nu kur war pievienot visvisādus saitus.. lieta ir tāda, kad kads pievieno saitu , vinš vievienojas ,bet augšā lapas stūrī parādās erors kautkāds Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\AppServ\www\top\sources\misc\skin.php on line 83 es petiju bet nezinu kur ir kļūda.. luk ievietosu kodu varbutr kads zinas! <?php //===========================================================================\\ // Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.2 \\ // Copyright © 2000-2007 Jeremy Scheff. All rights reserved. \\ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------\\ // [url=""][/url] [url=""][/url] \\ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------\\ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it \\ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the \\ // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your \\ // option) any later version. \\ // \\ // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \\ // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \\ // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General \\ // Public License for more details. \\ //===========================================================================\\ if (!defined('ATSPHP')) { die("This file cannot be accessed directly."); } class skin { var $filename; function skin($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; } function make() { global $CONF, $TMPL; $file = "{$CONF['skins_path']}/{$TMPL['skin_name']}/{$this->filename}.html"; $fh_skin = fopen($file, 'r'); $skin = @fread($fh_skin, filesize($file)); fclose($fh_skin); $parse = 1; if ($this->filename == 'wrapper') { $powered_by_check = strpos($skin, '{$powered_by}') ? 1 : 0; if ($powered_by_check) { $return = $skin; } else { $return = 'You cannot delete {$powered_by} from wrapper.html.'; $parse = 0; } } elseif ($this->filename == 'admin' || $this->filename == 'ssi_top' || $this->filename == 'ssi_members') { $return = $skin; } else { $return = "<!-- Begin {$this->filename}.html -->\n{$skin}<!-- End {$this->filename}.html -->\n\n"; } if ($parse) { return $this->parse($return); } else { return $return; } } function send_email($email) { global $CONF, $TMPL; $file = "{$CONF['skins_path']}/{$TMPL['skin_name']}/{$this->filename}.html"; $fh_skin = fopen($file, "r"); $skin = @fread($fh_skin, filesize($file)); fclose($fh_skin); $skin_array = explode("\n", $skin); $subject = array_shift($skin_array); $subject = str_replace('Subject: ', '', $subject); $body = implode("\n", $skin_array); $subject = $this->parse($subject); $body = $this->parse($body); mail($email, $subject, $body, "From: {$CONF['your_email']}\r\n"); } function parse($skin) { global $LNG, $TMPL, $n, $parse_time; $skin = preg_replace_callback('/{\$lng->(.+?)}/i', create_function('$matches', 'global $LNG; return $LNG[$matches[1]];'), $skin); $skin = preg_replace_callback('/{\$(.+?)}/i', create_function('$matches', 'global $TMPL; return $TMPL[$matches[1]];'), $skin); $skin = preg_replace_callback('/{include \"(.+?)\"}/i', create_function('$matches', 'return file_get_contents($matches[1]);'), $skin); return $skin; } function callback($matches) { return $matches[1]; } } class main_skin extends skin { function main_skin($filename) { global $CONF, $DB, $FORM, $LNG, $TIMER, $TMPL; $this->filename = $filename; // Number of members list($TMPL['num_members']) = $DB->fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites WHERE active = 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Build the multiple pages menu if ($TMPL['num_members'] > $CONF['num_list']) { $num = $TMPL['num_members']; $done = 0; $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] = "<select name=\"start\">\n"; while ($num > 0) { $start = $done * $CONF['num_list'] + 1; $end = ($done + 1) * $CONF['num_list']; if ($end >= $TMPL['num_members']) { $end = $TMPL['num_members']; } $FORM['start'] = isset($FORM['start']) ? $FORM['start'] : 1; if ($FORM['start'] == $start) { $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$start}\" selected=\"selected\">{$start} - {$end}</option>\n"; } else { $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$start}\">{$start} - {$end}</option>\n"; } $num = $num - $CONF['num_list']; $done++; } $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] .= '</select>'; } else { $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] = ''; } // Build the ranking method menu $ranking_method = isset($FORM['method']) ? $FORM['method'] : $CONF['ranking_method']; $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] = '<select name="method">'."\n"; if ($ranking_method == 'pv') { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"pv\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['g_pv']}</option>\n"; } else { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"pv\">{$LNG['g_pv']}</option>\n"; } if ($ranking_method == 'in') { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"in\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['g_in']}</option>\n"; } else { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"in\">{$LNG['g_in']}</option>\n"; } if ($ranking_method == 'out') { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"out\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['g_out']}</option>\n"; } else { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"out\">{$LNG['g_out']}</option>\n"; } $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= '</select>'; // Build the categories menu and feed.php link $TMPL['feed'] = 'feed.php'; $current_cat = isset($FORM['cat']) ? $FORM['cat'] : $LNG['main_all']; $TMPL['categories_menu'] = "<select name=\"cat\">\n"; if ($current_cat == $LNG['main_all']) { $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['main_all']}</option>\n"; } else { $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"\">{$LNG['main_all']}</option>\n"; } foreach ($CONF['categories'] as $cat => $skin) { if ($current_cat == $cat) { $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$cat}\" selected=\"selected\">{$cat}</option>\n"; $TMPL['feed'] .= "?cat={$cat}"; } else { $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$cat}\">{$cat}</option>\n"; } } $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= '</select>'; // Featured member if ($CONF['featured_member'] && $TMPL['num_members']) { $result = $DB->select_limit("SELECT username, url, title, description, banner_url FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY RAND()", 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = $DB->fetch_array($result); $TMPL = array_merge($TMPL, $row); $TMPL['featured_member'] = base::do_skin('featured_member'); } $TMPL['query'] = isset($TMPL['query']) ? $TMPL['query'] : ''; // Please do not remove the link to [url=""][/url]. // This is a free script, all I ask for is a link back. $TMPL['powered_by'] = $LNG['main_powered'].' <a href=""><b>Aardvark Topsites PHP</b></a> '.$TMPL['version']; // If you want to remove these links, you can; however, I would appreciate // it if you left them there. $TMPL['powered_by'] .= '<br /><a href="">Non Profit Debt Consolidation</a> | <a href="">VoIP</a> | <a href="">Miele Vacuum</a>'; if (!isset($TMPL['content'])) { $TMPL['content'] = ''; } $TMPL['num_queries'] = $DB->num_queries; $TMPL['execution_time'] = $TIMER->get_time(); } } ?> Edited November 11, 2007 by alfinsh
andrisp Posted November 11, 2007 Report Posted November 11, 2007 Tur jau viss pateikts - pārbaudi SMTP settingus iekš php.ini faila. Ja tev nav ne jausmas, kas ir SMTP:
alfinsh Posted November 12, 2007 Author Report Posted November 12, 2007 Nevajag taisīt muļķīgas QUOTEs (bubu) a kadiem man jabut tiem setingiem? es saja zina esmu dulburs
andrisp Posted November 12, 2007 Report Posted November 12, 2007 Norādi kādu SMTP serveri (Piem., ja esi LTK klients, tad Painteresējies pie sava provaidera.
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