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Sveiki.. man ir izveidots topsites.. nu kur war pievienot visvisādus saitus.. lieta ir tāda, kad kads pievieno saitu , vinš vievienojas ,bet augšā lapas stūrī parādās erors kautkāds Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\AppServ\www\top\sources\misc\skin.php on line 83 es petiju bet nezinu kur ir kļūda.. luk ievietosu kodu varbutr kads zinas!


// Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.2                                                 \\
// Copyright © 2000-2007 Jeremy Scheff.  All rights reserved.              \\
// [url="http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/"]http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/[/url]                [url="http://www.avatic.com/"]http://www.avatic.com/[/url] \\
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it   \\
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the     \\
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your    \\
// option) any later version.                                                \\
//                                                                           \\
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but       \\
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                \\
// Public License for more details.                                          \\

if (!defined('ATSPHP')) {
 die("This file cannot be accessed directly.");

class skin {
 var $filename;

 function skin($filename) {
   $this->filename = $filename;

 function make() {
   global $CONF, $TMPL;

   $file = "{$CONF['skins_path']}/{$TMPL['skin_name']}/{$this->filename}.html";
   $fh_skin = fopen($file, 'r');
   $skin = @fread($fh_skin, filesize($file));

   $parse = 1;

   if ($this->filename == 'wrapper') {
     $powered_by_check = strpos($skin, '{$powered_by}') ? 1 : 0;

     if ($powered_by_check) {
       $return = $skin;
     else {
       $return = 'You cannot delete {$powered_by} from wrapper.html.';
       $parse = 0;
   elseif ($this->filename == 'admin' || $this->filename == 'ssi_top' || $this->filename == 'ssi_members') {
     $return = $skin;
   else {
     $return = "<!-- Begin {$this->filename}.html -->\n{$skin}<!-- End {$this->filename}.html -->\n\n";

   if ($parse) {
     return $this->parse($return);
   else {
     return $return;

 function send_email($email) {
   global $CONF, $TMPL;

   $file = "{$CONF['skins_path']}/{$TMPL['skin_name']}/{$this->filename}.html";
   $fh_skin = fopen($file, "r");
   $skin = @fread($fh_skin, filesize($file));

   $skin_array = explode("\n", $skin);

   $subject = array_shift($skin_array);
   $subject = str_replace('Subject: ', '', $subject);
   $body = implode("\n", $skin_array);

   $subject = $this->parse($subject);
   $body = $this->parse($body);

   mail($email, $subject, $body, "From: {$CONF['your_email']}\r\n");

 function parse($skin) {
   global $LNG, $TMPL, $n, $parse_time;

   $skin = preg_replace_callback('/{\$lng->(.+?)}/i', create_function('$matches', 'global $LNG; return $LNG[$matches[1]];'), $skin);
   $skin = preg_replace_callback('/{\$(.+?)}/i', create_function('$matches', 'global $TMPL; return $TMPL[$matches[1]];'), $skin);
   $skin = preg_replace_callback('/{include \"(.+?)\"}/i', create_function('$matches', 'return file_get_contents($matches[1]);'), $skin);

   return $skin;

 function callback($matches) {
   return $matches[1];

class main_skin extends skin {
 function main_skin($filename) {
   global $CONF, $DB, $FORM, $LNG, $TIMER, $TMPL;

   $this->filename = $filename;

   // Number of members
   list($TMPL['num_members']) = $DB->fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites WHERE active = 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // Build the multiple pages menu
   if ($TMPL['num_members'] > $CONF['num_list']) {
     $num = $TMPL['num_members'];
     $done = 0;
     $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] = "<select name=\"start\">\n";
     while ($num > 0) {
       $start = $done * $CONF['num_list'] + 1;
       $end = ($done + 1) * $CONF['num_list'];
       if ($end >= $TMPL['num_members']) { $end = $TMPL['num_members']; }
       $FORM['start'] = isset($FORM['start']) ? $FORM['start'] : 1;

       if ($FORM['start'] == $start) {
         $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$start}\" selected=\"selected\">{$start} - {$end}</option>\n";
       else {
         $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$start}\">{$start} - {$end}</option>\n";

       $num = $num - $CONF['num_list'];
     $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] .= '</select>';
   else { $TMPL['multiple_pages_menu'] = ''; }

   // Build the ranking method menu
   $ranking_method = isset($FORM['method']) ? $FORM['method'] : $CONF['ranking_method'];
   $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] = '<select name="method">'."\n";
   if ($ranking_method == 'pv') { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"pv\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['g_pv']}</option>\n"; }
   else { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"pv\">{$LNG['g_pv']}</option>\n"; }
   if ($ranking_method == 'in') { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"in\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['g_in']}</option>\n"; }
   else { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"in\">{$LNG['g_in']}</option>\n"; }
   if ($ranking_method == 'out') { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"out\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['g_out']}</option>\n"; }
   else { $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= "<option value=\"out\">{$LNG['g_out']}</option>\n"; }
   $TMPL['ranking_methods_menu'] .= '</select>';

   // Build the categories menu and feed.php link
   $TMPL['feed'] = 'feed.php';
   $current_cat = isset($FORM['cat']) ? $FORM['cat'] : $LNG['main_all'];
   $TMPL['categories_menu'] = "<select name=\"cat\">\n";
   if ($current_cat == $LNG['main_all']) {
     $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">{$LNG['main_all']}</option>\n";
   else {
     $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"\">{$LNG['main_all']}</option>\n";
   foreach ($CONF['categories'] as $cat => $skin) {
     if ($current_cat == $cat) {
       $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$cat}\" selected=\"selected\">{$cat}</option>\n";
       $TMPL['feed'] .= "?cat={$cat}";
     else {
       $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= "<option value=\"{$cat}\">{$cat}</option>\n";
   $TMPL['categories_menu'] .= '</select>';

   // Featured member
   if ($CONF['featured_member'] && $TMPL['num_members']) {
     $result = $DB->select_limit("SELECT username, url, title, description, banner_url FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY RAND()", 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $row = $DB->fetch_array($result);
     $TMPL = array_merge($TMPL, $row);

     $TMPL['featured_member'] = base::do_skin('featured_member');

   $TMPL['query'] = isset($TMPL['query']) ? $TMPL['query'] : '';

   // Please do not remove the link to [url="http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/"]http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/[/url].
   // This is a free script, all I ask for is a link back.
   $TMPL['powered_by'] = $LNG['main_powered'].' <a href="http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/"><b>Aardvark Topsites PHP</b></a> '.$TMPL['version'];

   // If you want to remove these links, you can; however, I would appreciate
   // it if you left them there.
   $TMPL['powered_by'] .= '<br /><a href="http://www.mydebtconsolidationadvice.com">Non Profit Debt Consolidation</a> | <a href="http://www.voipfoundation.com">VoIP</a> | <a href="http://www.witbeckvacuums.com">Miele Vacuum</a>';

   if (!isset($TMPL['content'])) { $TMPL['content'] = ''; }

   $TMPL['num_queries'] = $DB->num_queries;
   $TMPL['execution_time'] = $TIMER->get_time();

Edited by alfinsh
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