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Kads ir meginajis uzrakstit web lapu pielietojot Ruby?


precīzāk ar ruby on rails

ja patīk no sākuma nesaprotama, bet vēlāk īsi uzrakstāma sintakse, tad ruby rulez! jebkurā gadījuma ir vērts vismaz ar http://tryruby.hobix.com/ paspelēties, lai saprastu ir/nav vērts tērēt laiku mācoties ruby.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ruby ir valoda, Ruby on Rails ir framework.



"Ruby is a reflective, dynamic, object-oriented programming language. It combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like object-oriented features, and also shares some features with Python, Lisp, Dylan and CLU."


"Ruby on Rails is a web application framework released in 2004 that aims to increase the speed and ease of web development. Often shortened to Rails, or RoR, it is an open source project written in the Ruby language."

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