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Blogs ar vienu failu.


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// function shows one texts from base
function show_one_raksti($rak)
global $connection, $show, $config_format, $user_ip;
if (!is_numeric($rak))
	return false;

$get_rezult = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id, head, text_small, text_main, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) as date, coments from it_raksti WHERE id='".$rak."' LIMIT 1"));
	return false;
if (!empty($_POST['submit_comm']) && !empty($_POST['teksts_comm']) && !empty($_POST['name_comm']))
	if (strlen($_POST['name_comm']) < 15)
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO it_raksti_comments ( id_it_raksti, ip,name,text_comment) VALUES ('".$rak."','".$user_ip."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name_comm'])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['teksts_comm'])."')");


<div class="main_tekts">
<h2><?php echo $get_rezult['head'];?> </h2>
<?php echo $get_rezult['text_small'];?>
<?php echo $get_rezult['text_main'];?>
<div class="tekts_time">
<?php echo date($config_format['date_format'], $get_rezult['date']);?>, <?php echo date($config_format['time_format'], $get_rezult['date']);?>
<div class="tekts_comment_all">

	 $get_rezult = mysql_query("select id, ip, name, text_comment, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) as date FROM it_raksti_comments WHERE  id_it_raksti='".$rak."' ORDER by added ASC");
	$a = 0;
	$mai = 0;
	while ($rezul = mysql_fetch_array($get_rezult))
		$mai = $mai == 0 ? 1 : 0;
		 <div class="tekts_comment"<?php //echo ($mai ? '#fff8dd' : '#ffffff');?>>
			<div class="comment_head">

				<span class="comment_head_date">
				<?php echo date($config_format['date_format'], $rezul['date']);?>, <?php echo date($config_format['time_format'], $rezul['date']);?>
				<span class="comment_head_name">
				<?php echo addslashes($rezul['name']);?>
			   <!--<div class="clearer"> </div>-->
			<div class="comment_main"><?php echo addslashes($rezul['text_comment']);?></div>


			<div class="add_comment">
			<form name="comment" action="?show=<?php echo $show;?>&rak=<?php echo $rak;?>" method="post">
			<td>vārds:</td><td><input class="add_comment_tekst" type="text" name="name_comm" /></td></tr>
			<td>teksts:</td><td><textarea class="add_comment_tekst" rows="4" cols="50" name="teksts_comm"></textarea></td></tr>
			<td colspan="2"><input class="poga_comm" type="submit" name="submit_comm" value="pievienot" /></td></tr>
//var_dump ($get_rezult);

// function shows all texts in database
function show_all_raksti($max = 5)
global $connection, $show, $config_format;
$get_rezult = mysql_query("select id, head, text_small, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) as date, coments from it_raksti ORDER by created DESC");
$a = 0;
while ($rezul = mysql_fetch_array($get_rezult))
	$izvada_rezult [$a] = $rezul;

unset ($get_rezult, $rezul);
$max = $max <= $a ? $max : $a;
$start = 0;
for ($q = 0; $q < $max; $q++)
	$array_izvadam = $izvada_rezult[$q];
		<div class="intro_tekts">
			<h3><?php echo $array_izvadam['head']; ?></h3>
			<?php echo $array_izvadam['text_small']; ?>
			<a href="?show=<?php echo $show;?>&rak=<?php echo $array_izvadam['id'];?>">vairāk</a>
<div class="other_links">
for ($q = $max; $q < $a; $q++)
	$array_izvadam = $izvada_rezult[$q];
		<span class="rakstu_link">
			<a href="?show=<?php echo $show;?>&rak=<?php echo $array_izvadam['id'];?>"><?php echo $array_izvadam['head'];?></a> (<?php echo date($config_format['date_format'], $array_izvadam['date']);?>, <?php echo date($config_format['time_format'], $array_izvadam['date']);?>)</a>
		</span><br />


if (isset($_GET['rak']))

mans blogs vienaa failaaa.

ko diez te veel daliit pa failiem?

tik daudz cilveeks vaaraas, jau sen taadus piecus vareeja uztaisiit pa sho laiku

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