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PHP5 Brainbench tests


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ja māki izmantot helpu, var atbildēt uz daudziem jautājumiem..

Tas tests ir totāls fufelis. Vismaz PHP4 ir galīgi garām... (bez manuāļa nevar nolikt, jo tiek prasīts par kaut kādām LDAP/etc f-ju sintkasi/dekl.)

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Bet mācēt atrast funkcijas manuālī arī ir noderīga un pat nepieciešama lieta, Delfin!

Ne velti pats BB saka:

# Brainbench tests are designed to measure your performance in the workplace so we encourage you to take them in an environment that resembles your workplace.

* You are welcome to consult reference material during the test, as this is what you would do in a work environment but remember that your time is limited.

* You will find that because our questions rely on problem solving rather than rote memorization, your reference material will rarely have the exact answer.

kas manuprāt ir ļoti pareizi. Ja tev jāizdara A un B, tad jāmāk atrast, kā šīs lietas izdarīt. Arī manuālī.

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