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Run admin/efriends.sql followed by admin/zipdata.sql through any of your mysql clients (i.e phpmyadmin)




Chmod 777 for the following folders/files: groups, photos, blog, events, banners, chat and chat/rooms.php


Runa iet par MySQL + Apache + Php. Visi ši man ir uzinstalēti bet netieku galā ar šo rindiņu. Man ir Astrasoft E-friends(nopirku) . Kaut kas līdzīgs daraugiem. Tagad taisu pats savus

to zipdata.sql nez kapēc nevarēja importēt phpMyAdmin


un tagad pamēģini pats atbildēt uz jautājumu "kāpēc zipdata.sql nevar izpildīt phpmyadminī", ja dots ir ka

1. tu esi nopircis kaut kādu scriptu,

2. tas izskatās kā draugiem.lv,

3. tagad taisīsi draugiem2.lv...


varbūt tos visus dotos punktus var atmest, bet tā vietā pateikt kādu kļudu galugalā mysql izmeta un kāds izskatās kverijs.


Viss teksts:



Installation And Setup Instructions:


1) Extract the zip file containing the software.


2) Create a new folder and name it as "friends".


3) upload all files to the selected directory.


4) Chmod 777 for the following folders/files: groups, photos, blog, events, banners, chat and chat/rooms.php


5) create a new MySQL user and DB for E-Friends.


5) Open data.php file and edit the variables as well as the MySQL parameters. Open /calendar/includes/config.php and

/chat/config.php and edit the MySQL parameters similar to data.php. Upload and replace these 3 files in your server.


6) Rename folder “groups” to whatever you choose for groups to be placed in

(short group url feature: user creates group and wants the url to be http://www.yourdomain.com/friends/groups/groupname -

where groups is the name of the folder you select)


7) Run admin/efriends.sql followed by admin/zipdata.sql through any of your mysql clients (i.e phpmyadmin)


8) Delete admin/zipdata.sql and admin/efriends.sql files from your server (security risk).


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