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Kā sagatovot stringu ievietošanai SQL pieprasījumā priekš firebird(interbase) ?


Tā lai ibase_query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE smth = '".$str."'"), kur $str = "SIA 'Vējiņs'" nenogljukotu.


Kautkas līdzīgs mysql_real_escape_string ?

Posted (edited)

google blin.


			 * ibase doesn't seem to have the ability to pass a
			 * parameter along unchanged, so strip off quotes from start
			 * and end, plus turn two single quotes to one single quote,
			 * in order to avoid the quotes getting escaped by
			 * ibase and ending up in the database.
			$data[$key] = preg_replace("/^'(.*)'$/", "\\1", $data[$key]);
			$data[$key] = str_replace("''", "'", $data[$key]);


PS: iz PEAR paņemts http://www.koders.com/php/fid75758F63BAAEC...54463E5FFB.aspx

Edited by Delfins
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