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Posted (edited)

Shodien veeleejos uzinstaleet php4.4.0 + mysql4.1, bet cik noprotu, tad vai nu php5 + mysql4.1 vai nu php4 + mysql 4.0, jo tiko meegjinaaju palaist php4+mysql 4.1, pie konekteeshanas DB dabuuju


Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in D:\www\index.php on line 2

Could not connect: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client


pamekleejot googlee atradu shaadu teikumu

As of MySQL 4.1 there is a new authentication protocol. This authentication protocol is only supported by PHP 5 or higher.


Taatad ir tikai iespeejams PHP4 + Mysql4.0 OR PHP5 + Mysql4.1 ?



Pabraukaajos veel ar googli un atradu shaadu linku http://forums.devshed.com/archive/t-204464

nu pameegjinaaju un esmu paarsteigts, bet straadaa

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('jauna_parole');

un viss notiek - straadaa

Edited by Kristabs
Posted (edited)

Tā nu tas ir, 4.1 izmanto savādāku paroles nokodēšanas fju nekā iepriekš, tāpēc, ja slēdzas ar <4.1 klientu klāt nevar autentificēties.


Tur nevajadzētu būt pārsteigtam, ka OLD_PASSWORD() fja strādā :) Vienīgi tad ar citu klientu, kurš mēģinās ar jauno paroles kodēšanas veidu pieslēgties, nekas nesanāks.

Edited by bubu
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