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Sveiciens visiem PHP forumā,
ASV kompānija Latvijā meklē full-stack kolēģi darbam pie super interesantiem projektiem. Darbs pārsvarā pie viena projekta, ko izstrādājam paši priekš sevis, bet ir arī iespēja darboties pie citiem projektiem. 

Te īsumā:

  • Superīgs kolektīvs
  • Projektos pats vari izdomāt un ieteikt kādu "tech stacku" lietosi
  • Lieli projekti
  • Ballītes/tech vakari birojā
  • Iespēja braukt uz Miami
  • Laba alga
  • Darbs vairāk back-end pusē, bet ja patīk front-ends tad gana varēs izpausties tur arī

Ja interesē, droši uzraksti man - kaspars@onthemapmarketing.com

Te būs pilns apraksts angliski

This might be for you! A renowned internet marketing company in Florida, U.S. is seeking experienced front-end developer to join our subsidiary in Riga. Be a part of our web-development team, which is a unique group of web engineers, building exciting and substantial latest-web-technology products.

Our core belief: accept no defeat and excel at any given chance.


  1. Creative and positive working environment
  2. Incredibly fun colleagues 
  3. Flexible work schedule
  4. Competitive salary
  5. Work on large scale projects


  1. In-depth knowledge and experience in working with PHP
  2. HTML / CSS
  3. Strong knowledge of OOP
  4. Experience with Laravel 
  5. Experience working with version control tools, i.e. GIT
  6. Knowledge of MySQL and Ability to write the raw SQL, familiar with MySQL command-line tools
  7. Experience with template engines (Smarty, Twig, etc.)
  8. Experience with full stack technologies and CMS (Laravel, etc.)
  9. Front-end technology knowledge (Bootstrap, Bower, Gulp, Grunt etc.) 
  10. Experience with package managers (Composer, npm etc) 
  11. Experience with Angular, VueJS or React

Think you'll fit right in?
Shoot us a note and let's chat! We speak Latvian as well, so don't be afraid about your English language skills.






Edited by milbergs
content edit

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