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Vai šeit ir kāds, kas ir izmantojis Jcart?

Vajadzīga neliela palīdzība, neprotu padot komandu, kas man izdoto kopējo preču summu, ko tālāk padotu uz FD karšu sistēmu.

Iekrāsotā koda daļa ir jāmodificē, vai jāraksta kaut kas pilnīgi jauns? Nav nojautas, lūdzu palīdzību.



Jcart gateway.php kods:



// jCart v1.3
// http://conceptlogic.com/jcart/

// This file is called when any button on the checkout page (PayPal checkout, update, or empty) is clicked

// Include jcart before session start

$config = $jcart->config;

// The update and empty buttons are displayed when javascript is disabled 
// Re-display the cart if the visitor has clicked either button
if ($_POST['jcartUpdateCart'] || $_POST['jcartEmpty']) {

	// Update the cart
	if ($_POST['jcartUpdateCart']) {
		if ($jcart->update_cart() !== true)	{
			$_SESSION['quantityError'] = true;

	// Empty the cart
	if ($_POST['jcartEmpty']) {

	// Redirect back to the checkout page
	$protocol = 'http://';
	if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
		$protocol = 'https://';

	header('Location: ' . $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $config['checkoutPath']);

// The visitor has clicked the PayPal checkout button
else {


	A malicious visitor may try to change item prices before checking out.

	Here you can add PHP code that validates the submitted prices against
	your database or validates against hard-coded prices.

	The cart data has already been sanitized and is available thru the
	$jcart->get_contents() method. For example:

	foreach ($jcart->get_contents() as $item) {
		$itemId	    = $item['id'];
		$itemName	= $item['name'];
		$itemPrice	= $item['price'];
		$itemQty	= $item['qty'];


	// For now we assume prices are valid
	$validPrices = true;


	// If the submitted prices are not valid, exit the script with an error message
	if ($validPrices !== true)	{

	// Price validation is complete
	// Send cart contents to PayPal using their upload method, for details see: http://j.mp/h7seqw
	elseif ($validPrices === true) {
		// Paypal count starts at one instead of zero
		$count = 1;
		// Build the query string
		$queryString  = "?cmd=_cart";
		$queryString .= "&upload=1";
		$queryString .= "&charset=utf-8";
		$queryString .= "&currency_code=" . urlencode($config['currencyCode']);
		$queryString .= "&business=" . urlencode($config['paypal']['id']);
		$queryString .= "&return=" . urlencode($config['paypal']['returnUrl']);
		$queryString .= '&notify_url=' . urlencode($config['paypal']['notifyUrl']);
		foreach ($jcart->get_contents() as $item) {

			$queryString .= '&item_number_' . $count . '=' . urlencode($item['id']);
			$queryString .= '&item_name_' . $count . '=' . urlencode($item['name']);
			$queryString .= '&amount_' . $count . '=' . urlencode($item['price']);
			$queryString .= '&quantity_' . $count . '=' . urlencode($item['qty']);

			// Increment the counter

		// Empty the cart

		// Confirm that a PayPal id is set in config.php
		if ($config['paypal']['id']) {

			// Add the sandbox subdomain if necessary
			$sandbox = '';
			if ($config['paypal']['sandbox'] === true) {
				$sandbox = '.sandbox';

			// Use HTTPS by default
			$protocol = 'http://';
			if ($config['paypal']['https'] == false) {
				$protocol = 'http://';

			// Send the visitor to PayPal
			@header('Location: ' . $protocol . 'www' . $sandbox . '.test/fd/do.php' . $queryString);
		else {
			die('Couldn’t find a PayPal ID in <strong>config.php</strong>.');




Ja nav neviens, raksti izstrādātāju firmām, iedod uzdevumu un skaties ko tev kāds piedāvās, forums ir domāts diskusijām, un iespējama zināma mēroga help, nevis 100% risinājuma iegūšanai.

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