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Ir nepieciešams no DNB bankas "konta pārskats" xml failu pārkonvertēt csv formātā.

Atradu šādu skriptu, kas konvertē xml uz csv, bet man nekādi nesanāca to pārveidot, lai visu dabūtu stringā, jo klasēs un objektus vēl nav sanācis laika apgūt.


class path
   public $colid;
   public $parent;
   public $name;
   public $children;
   public $branch;
   public $counters;
   public $hastext;
   public $rows;
   public $row; //current row to set values

   function __construct($parent, $name) {
    $this->colid = null;
    $this->branch = false;
    $this->hastext = false;
    $this->counter = 0;
    $this->rows = array();
    $this->row = array();
    $this->parent = $parent;
    $this->name = $name;
    //register myself to parent
    $this->children = array();
    if($parent !== null) {
	    $parent->children[] = $this;
   function getFullPath()
    $fullname = "";
    if($this->parent !== null) {
	    $fullname .= $this->parent->getFullPath()."/";
    $fullname .= $this->name;
    return $fullname;
   function findChild($name) {
    foreach($this->children as $child) {
	    if($child->name == $name) return $child;
    return null;
   function analyzeColumn(&$cols, $under_branch = false) {
    if($under_branch && $this->hastext) {
	    $this->colid = sizeof($cols);
	    $cols[] = $this;
    foreach($this->children as $child) {
	    if($this->branch) {
		    $under_branch = true;
	    $child->analyzeColumn($cols, $under_branch);
   function analyzeBranch() {
    foreach($this->children as $child) {
	    if($child->counter > 1) {
		    $child->branch = true;
	    $child->counter = 0;
   function getBranch()
    if($this->branch) return $this;
    if($this->parent !== null) {
	    return $this->parent->getBranch();
    return null;
   function getRoot()
    if($this->parent === null) return $this;
    return $this->parent->getRoot();
   function closeBranch()
    //close this branch and send all records to parent branch (or root)
    $parent_branch = $this->parent->getBranch();
    if($parent_branch === null) {
	    $parent_branch = $this->getRoot();
    //merge my row and sub-rows to parent rows.
    if(sizeof($this->rows) == 0) {
	    $parent_branch->rows[] = merge_row($parent_branch->row, $this->row);
    } else {
	    foreach($this->rows as $row) {
		    $parent_branch->rows[] = merge_row($parent_branch->row, merge_row($this->row, $row));
    //reset this and child rows
    $this->row = array();
    $this->rows = array();
   function output($colnum)    {

    foreach($this->rows as $row) {
	    for($i = 0;$i < $colnum;$i++) {
		    if(isset($row[$i])) {
			    $value = "\"".str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $row[$i])."\"";
			    echo $value;
		    echo ",";
	    echo "<br/>\n";
function merge_row($row1, $row2)
   foreach($row2 as $key=>$col) {
    $row1[$key] = $col;
   return $row1;
function xml2csv($xml_content)
   $xml = new XMLReader();
   //First pass - discover all path and branch points
   $cols = array();
   $root = new path(null, "root");
   $current = $root;
   while($xml->read()) {
    if (in_array($xml->nodeType, array(XMLReader::TEXT, XMLReader::CDATA, XMLReader::WHITESPACE, XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE))) {
	    if(trim($xml->value) == "") continue;
	    $current->hastext = true;
    if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
	    $child = $current->findChild($xml->name);
	    if($child !== null) {
		    $current = $child;
	    } else {
		    //brand new path
		    $current = new path($current, $xml->name);
    if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {
	    $current = $current->parent;
   //output column headder
   $cols = array();
   foreach($cols as $path) {
    //append parent's path name to be more descriptive
    if($path->parent !== null) {
	    echo $path->parent->name."/";
    echo $path->name;
    echo ",";
   echo "\n";
   //Second pass - map values to current branch points
   $current = $root;
   $branch = null;
   while($xml->read()) {
    if (in_array($xml->nodeType, array(XMLReader::TEXT, XMLReader::CDATA, XMLReader::WHITESPACE, XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE))) {
	    $value = trim($xml->value);
	    if(trim($xml->value) == "") continue;
	    $branch->row[$current->colid] = $value;
    if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
	    $current = $current->findChild($xml->name);
	    $branch = $current->getBranch();
    if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {
	    if($current == $branch) {
	    $current = $current->parent;
	    $branch_new = $current->getBranch();
	    if($branch_new !== null) {
		    $branch = $branch_new;
   //dump the content


output un xml2csv funkcijas taisa echo, bet tur drošvien vajadzētu $string+=... , bet nesaprotu, kā no šī izvilkt stringu! Ir kādi varianti? Vai arī, kādi ieteiktumi, lai pats varu tikt galā, ja nevēlaties uz paplātes atnest? Varbūt pat kāds īsāks skripts ir aizķēries?

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Kā jau briedis teica, izmanto SimpleXML un sadrukā parastā tabulas veidā rezultātus un uzliec header CSV.


header("Content-type: text/csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.csv");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");

echo "xml11, xml12, xml13" . "\n\r";
echo "xml21, xml22, xml23" . "\n\r";
echo "xml31, xml32, xml33" . "\n\r";



Lieta darīta.

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Mana atrastā funkcija pilda vajadzīgo darbu, bet tā izmet visu ar echo, ko man nevajag Nepieciešama ir tikai CSV struktūra iekš stringa, kurš pēc tam iet uz db.

Vienkārši visām pārējām bankām nolasa csv un pēc +/- viena algoritma iet uz db.

Man vienkārši savu pārzotāju nav īsti laika veidot, bet nu laikam jau būs vien jātaisa.

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