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Pietiekami nodrošināta Reģistrācija


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Sveiki! Es neesmu profesionālis, tapec nenodiršam mani uzreiz.. :) PHP esmu apguvis pašmācība, un jau kādu laiciņu neatlaidīgi strādāju.


Tātad, es pabeidzu reģistrācijas skriptu, bet es vēlēteos uzināt jūsu viedokli, vai šis skripts ir pietiekami nodrošināts, lai šo varētu lietot publiskā saitā. Viņš šobrīd lieto MySQLi prepare un bind params.. SqlQuery ir sagatavota funkcija, ar ko tu veicu.


Lūk pati reģistrācija:


/* Signup */

# Load Modules

##| Registration Data verification and processing |##

if(isset($_POST['signup_finish'])) {

 # Define Variables and Objects

  $failed  	= false;
  $Validator   = new Validate;

 # Username, Required
 # Min: 5, Max: 25
 # Numbers and Letters Only
 # Unique

  $USERNAME = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['USERNAME'], 1, 5, 25) == 'success' ? $_POST['USERNAME'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['username'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));


$Query = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username`=?";
$Params = array($USERNAME);

 	$Sqlresult = SqlQuery($Sqli, $Query, 's', $Params);
  	if($Sqlresult ) {

   	$failed = true;
   	$iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['username']['exists']);  

 # Email, Required
 # Specific email format Only
 # Unique

  $EMAIL = ($Validator -> ValidEmail($_POST['EMAIL']) ? $_POST['EMAIL'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['email']['invalid']));

if($EMAIL) {

$Query = "SELECT `email` FROM `users` WHERE `email`=?";
$Params = array($EMAIL);

 	$Sqlresult = SqlQuery($Sqli, $Query, 's', $Params);
  	if($Sqlresult ) {

  	$failed = true;
  	$iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['email']['exists']);  
 # Passwords, Required
 # Min: 8, Max: 50
 # Numbers and Letters Only
 # Must Match

  $PASSWORD1 = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['PASSWORD1'], 1, 8, 50) ? $_POST['PASSWORD1'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['password'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));
  $PASSWORD2 = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['PASSWORD2'], 1, 8, 50) ? $_POST['PASSWORD2'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['password'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));


$failed = true;
$iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['password']['match']);
 # Name, Required
 # Min: 2, Max: 50
 # Letters Only

  $NAME = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['NAME'], 3, 3, 50) == 'success' ? $_POST['NAME'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['name'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));  

 # Surname, Required
 # Min: 2, Max: 50
 # Letters Only

  $SURNAME = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['SURNAME'], 3, 3, 50) == 'success' ? $_POST['SURNAME'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['surname'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));  
 # Phone, Optional
 # Min: 8, Max: 30
 # Letters Only


$PHONE = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['PHONE'], 2, 8, 30) == 'success' ? $_POST['PHONE'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['phone'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));  
 # Skype, Optional
 # Min: 6, Max: 30
 # All


$SKYPE = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['SKYPE'], 4, 6, 30) == 'success' ? $_POST['SKYPE'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['skype'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));  
 # Captcha, Required
 # Min, Max: 6
 # Letter and Nummers Only
 # Must Match

  $CAPTCHA = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['CAPTCHA'], 1, 6, 6) == 'success' ? $_POST['CAPTCHA'] : $iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['captcha'][$Validator -> ValidError()]));  

if($_SESSION['security_code'] != $CAPTCHA) {

$failed = true;
$iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['captcha']['wrong']);  
 # Rules
 # Must be Checked

  if(!isset($_POST['RULES'])) {
$failed = true;
$iMessage -> SetIMessage('ERROR', $global['signup']['form']['error']['rules']['empty']);

 # Referred By
 # Min: 1, Max: 25
 # Letters Only


$REFERRED_BY = ($Validator -> ValidString($_POST['REFERRED_BY'], 2, 1, 25) == 'success' ? $_POST['REFERRED_BY'] : $iMessage -> false);  

## Start the Registration of a New User ##

if(!$failed && !$Validator -> ValidError()) {
 $SqlQuery = $Sqli -> prepare("INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `name`, `surname`, `email`, `password`, `phone`, `language`, `signup_date`, `referred_by`, `ip`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
   	$SqlQuery -> bind_param('sssssisiis', $USERNAME, $NAME, $SURNAME, $EMAIL, md5($PASSWORD1), $PHONE, $userLang, time(), $REFERRED_BY, $IP);
if($SqlQuery -> execute()) {

   	$iMessage -> SetIMessage('SUCCESS', $global['signup']['success']['email_sent']);  

$HideForm = true;  


/* Data Validator Module */
class Validate {
# Store Variables

 public $ErrorType;

# String
# $string: String to Validate
# $type: 1 = Numbers and Letters, 2 = Numbers, 3 = Letters, 4 = All
# $min: The minimum length of the string
# $max: The maximum length of the string
# Returns ErrorType if Failed
function ValidString($string, $type, $min, $max) {
 $failed = false;

  if(strlen($string) < $min) {

$this -> ErrorType = 'short';
$failed = true;

  if(strlen($string) > $max) {

$this -> ErrorType = 'long';
$failed = true;   

 # Type 1: Numbers and Letters

  if($type == 1) {
if(!ctype_alnum($string)) {

	$this -> ErrorType = 'invalid';
	$failed = true;   

 # Type 2: Numbers only

  if($type == 2) {

if(!is_numeric($string)) {

	$this -> ErrorType = 'invalid';
	$failed = true;

 # Type 1: Letters only

  if($type == 3) {
if(!ctype_alpha($string)) {

	$this -> ErrorType = 'invalid';
	$failed = true;   

 if(!$failed) { return 'success'; }

# Email
# $email: Email to Validate
# MaxLength: 50
# Returns False if Failed, else returns True
 function ValidEmail($email) {

  if(strlen($email) > 50) {
return false;   

  else {

$email =  strtolower($email);
	if (preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/", $email)) {

 	return true;

	else {

 	return false;

# Output the ErrorType

 function ValidError() {
return $this -> ErrorType;

Edited by WingTsun
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Paldies par atbildi. Ņemšu to turpmāk vērā. Bet nu šajā skriptā nav daudz funkciju, kas nebūtu Custom, pietam validate klasi es iekļāvu. Varbūt es esmu kautko nepareizi sapratis, tapēc lūdzu neuzbrukt, jo esmu iesācējs. Galvenais jautājums ir, vai pamatā skripts ir ņemams, un pietiekami drošs, vai arī sķībs? :)

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Nez, es ieteiktu pievērsties kādam konkrētam kodēšanas stlima, citādi caps lock mainīgo nosaukumi, kā arī # komentāri izskatās dikti dīvaini.. Ieteiktu arī kādu izstrādes patternu piekopt, piemēram, MVC...

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rATRIJam good point's - koda tur daudz par daudz. Derētu pamācīties no kāda ietvara, kā tas tiek darīts.


Piemēram, Kohanas.Tur reģistrācija tiktu realizēta šādi:


$post = Validate::factory($_POST)
       	->filter(TRUE, 'trim')

       	->filter('username', 'strtolower')

       	->rule('username', 'not_empty')
       	->rule('username', 'regex', array('/^[a-z_.]++$/iD'))
       	->rule('username', array($user, 'unique_username'))

       	->rule('password', 'not_empty')
       	->rule('password', 'min_length', array('6'))
       	->rule('confirm',  'matches', array('password'))

       	->rule('use_ssl', 'not_empty')
       	->rule('use_ssl', 'in_array', array(array('yes', 'no')))

       	->callback('password', array($user, 'hash_password'));

   	if ($post->check())
       	// Data has been validated, register the user

       	// Always redirect after a successful POST to prevent refresh warnings

   	// Validation failed, collect the errors
   	$errors = $post->errors('user');


Protams, atsevišķā vietā ir definēti visas validācijas funkcijas, kovar ērti atkārtoti izmantot.



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Un nevis vienu klasi visam, bet...


Validation -- par validāciju,

Validation_Rules -- validācijas rūļi,

Database -- viss saistīts ar datubāzi,

ORM extends Database -- viss ar datubāzi, bet darbības notiek «ORM-way»...


utt. utjp....

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