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Starpcitu jā, man tas ar ir interesanti. Es ar darba kolēģi ar par to runāju, ka, tad, kad esi ierēbis, tad tā visu kodēšana notiek raitāk un jā, reizēm pat domāšana. To, ko parasti dara 5-10min, reizēm var pat 3-4min laikā izdarīt. Ir bijis tā, ka, ja zinu, ka būs jāprogrammē, tad aizeju un paņemu pāris pudelītes :P


Jā, vieglā reibonī forši viss iet uz priekšu, galvenais tik nepalais garām to tonusu.

Jo ka sāk palikt pārāk labi, tad gan viss aiziet tintē :)))

un domāju ka ne tikai programmēšanā, gandrīz visu tā ir )

Posted (edited)

Pieauguša cilvēka smadzenēs jaunu neironu ģenēze notiek hipofīzē. Jauni neironi ir vajadzīgi, lai aizstātu vecos un iesaistītos jaunos smadzenēs veidojošos algoritmos. Pat salīdzinoši neliela alkohola koncentrācija pilnībā aptur neiroģenēzi hipofīzē. Savukārt palielināta koncentrācijas oksidācijas produkti, tādi kā acetilaldehīds, iznīcina jau esošās nervu šūnas.

Edited by codez

Tieši programmēšana (koda rakstīšana) iet labāk, kad prāts ir skaidrs. Kad kas grādīgs ir iedzerts, tad vairs tik ļoti nesanāk/negribās koncentrēties koda rakstīšanai kā rezultātā nekas tik labs nesanāk.


However - iedzerot parasti prātā nāk visādas idejas, tā kā plānošanas darbi parasti iet raitāk tādos gadījumos...


Gan jau, ka šis un tas ir atkarīgs no tā kāds tieši alkohols tiek dzerts. Es 90% gadījumu dzeru alu (un/vai īstu sidru).


Man gan atkal šķiet ir otrādi nevis kā rATRIJS raksta. Jā, ja kodēju, tad tikai pie alus. Nekad neko stiprāku vai citu, jo ar citu šķiet, ka nav tas "efekts". Bet man atkal ir tā, ka tieši tie 2-3 aliņi palīdz novērst domas no visām citām blakus lietām un sanāk veltīt visu tīri programmēšanai. A ja esi skaidrā, tad reizēm traucē dažādi faktori par ko iedomājies kodējot un tad nojūk, ja ne doma, tad rimts un jā, reizēm tāpēc pat pārgribās strādāt.


Lai pētījums būtu objektīvs, pētījuma objekts nedrīkst būt pētījuma subjekts, pretējā gadījumā, rezultāti ir subjektīvi.

Cilvēkiem apreibinošo vielu iespaidā bieži subjektīvi liekas, ka viņu spējas ir labākas - reakcija, ātrums, izturība, utt., bet veicot objektīvu eksaktu eksperimentu, kurā šīs spējas tiek mērītas, izrādās, ka tomēr tā nav.


Diemžēl latviski neko līdzīgu neatradu :)

The Phases of the Disease


There are three distinctly noticeable phases in alcoholism. Each phase has its signs and symptoms.

The Early Phase

The Middle Phase

The Chronic Phase



The Early Phase

Increased Tolerance:
This is the first warning sign of the development of alcoholism. You would need more drinks to get the same pleasurable feeling, which you got earlier with just one or two drinks.

This is not going unconscious or falling flat. During a black out, you may go through many activities like walking, talking, even driving a vehicle ‘apparently normally’, but have no recollection of them afterwards.

Preoccupation with Drinking:
Even when you are not drinking, you are preoccupied with when and how you will you can get the next drink.

Avoiding Any Talk About Alcohol:
Despite the preoccupation, you do not want to discuss your craving with anybody. Even if you have boasted earlier of you capacity to drink, you want to avoid the subject now.


The Middle Phase

Loss of Control:
Initially, there is a loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed. Later on, you lose control over the time, place and occasion of drinking.

Justifying Your Drinking:
You feel guilty and depressed. You justify drinking by giving excuses such as unhappy married life, tension at office, pressure from friends to drink, etc. In an attempt to reduce the feeling of guilt, you keep giving different reasons, but your drinking continues.

Grandiose Behaviour:
You talk big and spend big; more than you can afford. Quite often, alcoholics in this phase, do not provide even basic needs for the dependent family, but spend what little they have in extravagant gestures among friends.

Temporary Abstinence:
By this time, your drinking has lead to plenty of problems, at home and in the office. You are at the point of losing your job and perhaps your marriage. This might make you abstain for a while.

Changing the Pattern:
Some make a change in the pattern of drinking. They try to change what they drink; arrack to brandy, whiskey to beer. They try a change of place or time. But so long as it is alcohol, no matter how many changes are made, they continue to be immersed in the same problems that haunted them before.


The Chronic Phase

This phase is characterised by noticeable physical, mental and social deterioration. There is a total breakdown in relationship with the family.

Binge Drinking:
You drink continuously for days together, do not eat and do not involve yourself in any other activity. At the end of each binge you are left shaken, frightened and guilt-ridden, You promise never to drink again. Soon enough you go on another binge.

Ethical Breakdown:
You borrow, lie and even steal to keep liquor in supply. You have no qualms about being unethical. Your sole aim is to get enough to drink, whatever the means.

Paranoia and Hallucinations:
You begin to suspect people around you with little reason. You imagine they are plotting against you. You may imagine voices speaking to you. You may see things that do not exist or may feel things crawling on you.

Lack of Motor Co-Ordination:
Your hand trembles as you hold the coffee cup. Even to shave you have to ‘steady’ yourself with a few drinks. You drink to feel better, but it only makes you feel worse.

This is the end of the road. Those who do not stop alcohol consumption even at this stage get mentally ill or die a slow, painful death.


Posted (edited)

Gints Plivna , ja es gribētu uzzināt "pliku" aprakstu, tad ar prasītu googlēi, bet man vairāk tomēr interesē "vietējā" publika :)


P.S. Un to Tevis 3 piedāvātajiem variantiem par laimi man vēl nav neviens :D

Edited by anonīms

Tikko ietestēju. Izdzēru vienu litru alu.

Es labāk nošautos nekā tagad kaut ko programmētu. *yawn*

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