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Posted (edited)

"What is code?" Jautrs lasāmgabals. Vispār – must read!





You rarely see TMitTB in person, because he’s often at conferences where he presents on panels. He then tweets about the panels and notes them on his well-populated LinkedIn page. Often he takes a picture of the audience from the stage, and what you see is an assembly of mostly men, many with beards, the majority of whom seem to be peering into their laptop instead of up at the stage. Nonetheless the tweet that accompanies that photo says something like, “AMAZING audience! @ the panel on #microservice architecture at #ArchiCon2015.”


He often tells you just how important this panel-speaking is for purposes of recruiting. Who’s to say he is wrong? It costs as much to hire a senior programmer as it does to hire a midlevel executive, so maybe going to conferences is his job, and in the two months he’s been here he’s hired four people. His two most recent hires have been in Boston and Hungary, neither of which is a place where you have an office.


Technology conferences are where primate dynamics can be fully displayed, where relationships of power and hierarchy can be established. There are keynote speakers—often the people who created the technology at hand or crafted a given language. There are the regular speakers, often paid not at all or in airfare, who present some idea or technique or approach. Then there are the panels, where a group of people are lined up in a row and forced into some semblance of interaction while the audience checks its e-mail.


Pati lapa ar diezgan iespaidīgu tehnisko izpildījumu.


Īss raksts par šo rakstu: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/what-is-what-is-code

Edited by Mr.Key
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Izklausās skaisti. Vai Latvijā tas ir reāli? Kā sāc runāt par freelancošanu... dažiem pat darba sludinājumos norādīts, ka "sākumā freelance un tiem, kas sevi labi parādīs, būs iespēja full time". Vienmēr esmu uzskatījis un arī turpmāk uzskatīšu, ka freelance ir pārāks par full-time darbu, jo prasa daudz vairāk zināšanu un spēju (kā raksta beigās minēts, nevari parādīties ofisā un par to vien saņemt algu, neko daudz nedarot). Bet, vai tā nav peldēšana pret straumi, ja runājam par LV?


P.S. Nedaudz augstāk minētais "What is Code" vakar saņēma ASV National Magazine Award 2016 nominācijā "Single Article".

P.P.S. Vēl kāds ļooti labs lasāmgabals tiem, kas lasa: "The Internet is My Religion" by Jim Gilliam http://www.internetismyreligion.com/book

Edited by Mr.Key


Izklausās skaisti. Vai Latvijā tas ir reāli?


Atkarīgs, ko kurš saprot ar freelance. Ja tas ir darbs no mājām vienam konkrētam, stabilam klientam, tad situācija ir viena, ja tā ir nemitīga skriešana pēc kārtējās vizītkartes lapas, kuru nevienam nevajag, tad tas ir kaut kas pavisam cits. 


Cilvēki, kas no freelance nāk uz standarta darba vietu bieži vien kā iemeslu min nepieciešamību pēc stabilitātes gan darāmajos darbos, gan atalgojumā. Ja ar stabilitāti šajās jomās viss ir ok, tad neredzu problēmu.

  • 1 year later...

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