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<img src="images/aplis1.gif" width="25" height="25" alt="rigaconnect.com" title="rigaconnect.com"/>


It kā - varbūt "alt" vajadzētu saskanēt ar bildes nosaukumu, bet īsti nezinu cik tas ir svarīgi.


+ varbūt / iespējams varētu nepatikt arī tas, ka alt ar title ir vienādi, bet šie ir tikai ieteikumi pārdomām!

Posted (edited)

noskanēju tavu lapu ar savu rīku izmantojot atslēgvārdu "rīga , riga"





Your seo request is 4.86% valid.


Keyword usage in document title

Keyword validation in document title has 100% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in documents head keyword list

Keyword validation in document keyword list has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in documents head description

Keyword validation in document description has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in Headline H1

Keyword validation in document H1 tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in Headlines H2-H6

Keyword validation in document H2 tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword validation in document H3 tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword validation in document H4 tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword validation in document H5 tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword validation in document H6 tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in first contents of the document

Keyword validation in document first sentence has 100% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in bold text

Keyword validation in document bolded tags has 0% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage as links for same domain content

Keyword validation in document links for the same domain has 33.33% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage as links for outter domain content

Keyword validation in document links for outsider domains has 0.78% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in main domain name

Keyword validation in document links for the same domain has 50% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in tag attributes

Keyword validation in document tags as links has 2.13% of valid keywords.

Keyword validation in document tags as images has 2.04% of valid keywords.

Keyword usage in html comments

Keyword validation in document html commentaries has 0% of valid keywords.

Page validation for W3C standarts

Page html validation: 3 Errors

Edited by EdgarsA

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