PIPARIns :* Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 <?php $cfg['latest_pos'] = "DESC"; //Jaunaakie raksti buus kur (DESC = Augsaa, ASC = Apaksaa) $cfg['news_limit'] = "20"; //Kopeejais jaunumu limits (0 - izslegts) $cfg['no_news'] = "Nav jaunumu."; //Message to Display when there are no News $cfg['page_select'] = "false"; //Rādīt lapu pārslēdzēju? (true, false) $cfg['debug'] = "false"; //DEBUG MODE -- MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ########################################################################################## require_once "load.config.sys.php"; //Load config $cfg['forum_path'] = $root . $forummap; $cfg['forum_mape'] = $forummap; $cfg['per_page'] = $newslimit; $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $prefix; $cfg['forums_id'][] = $newsforum; for ($i = 0; $i < count( $cfg['forums_id'] ); $i++ ) { $cfg['forum_id'] = $cfg['forums_id'][$i]; if ( $cfg['news_limit'] != "0" ) { $query = mysql_query( "SELECT t.tid, t.title, t.topic_firstpost, p.pid, p.topic_id, p.post_date, p.author_id, m.id, m.name, p.post, t.posts FROM ". $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] ."topics t, ". $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] ."posts p, ". $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] ."members m WHERE t.forum_id = '". $cfg['forum_id'] ."' AND t.tid = p.topic_id AND p.author_id = m.id AND p.pid = t.topic_firstpost ORDER BY p.post_date ". $cfg['latest_pos'] ." LIMIT ". $cfg['news_limit'] ); } else { $query = mysql_query( "SELECT t.tid, t.title, t.topic_firstpost, p.pid, p.topic_id, p.post_date, p.author_id, m.id, m.name, p.post, t.posts FROM ". $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] ."topics t, ". $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] ."posts p, ". $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] ."members m WHERE t.forum_id = '". $cfg['forum_id'] ."' AND t.tid = p.topic_id AND p.author_id = m.id AND p.pid = t.topic_firstpost ORDER BY p.post_date ". $cfg['latest_pos'] ); } if ( !$query ) { die( "<b>mysql_query()</b>: ". mysql_error() ); } $iNews = mysql_num_rows( $query ); $iRun = 0; $iCurrent = 0; if ( $iNews == 0 ) { echo "<span style=\"font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px\">". $cfg['no_news'] ."</span>"; } while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $query, MYSQL_NUM ) ) { if ( $cfg['debug'] == "true" ) { print_r( $row ); } $iRun++; if ( $iRun > ( $_GET['pg'] - 1 ) * $cfg['per_page'] && $iCurrent < $cfg['per_page'] ) { /* EDIT THE DISPLAY DESIGN BELOW - CAREFUL (BEGIN) */ $sTemplate = <<<EOT <div class="text-box"><div style="float:right;display:inline;">Pievienoja <a href="f/index.php?showuser=<!-- USER -->"/><!-- AUTHOR --></a>.</div><div style="font-size:110%;font-weight:bold;display:inline"><!-- TITLE --></div><div class="newsitem"><!-- POST --></div><div style="text-align:right"><!-- TIME --></div></div><div class="line"></div> EOT; /* EDIT THE DISPLAY DESIGN BELOW - CAREFUL (END) */ $sParsed = str_replace( array( "<!-- TITLE -->", "<!-- POST -->", "<!-- TIME -->", "<!-- AUTHOR -->", "<!-- REPLIES -->", "<!-- FORUM -->", "<!-- TOPIC -->", "style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>", //SMILEY FIX "<!-- USER -->", " [indent]", "[/indent] ", "class='quotetop'", "class='quotemain'", "class='codetop'", "class='codemain'" ), array( $row[1], $row[9], //Laika form?ts date( "H:i, j.m.Y", $row[5] ), $row[8], $row[10], $cfg['forum_path'], $row[0], $cfg['forum_mape'] ."/style_emoticons/default", $row[7], "<blockquote>", "</blockquote>", "style='background: #E4EAF2; border: 1px dotted #000; border-bottom: 0; border-left: 4px solid #8394B2; color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; margin: 8px auto 0 auto; padding: 3px;'", "style='background: #FAFCFE; border: 1px dotted #000; border-left: 4px solid #8394B2; border-top: 0; color: #465584; padding: 4px; margin: 0 auto 8px auto;'", "style='background: #FDDBCC; color: #000; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; padding: 3px; width: 98%;'", "style='background: #FAFCFE; border: 1px dotted #000; color: #465584; font-family: Courier, Courier New, Verdana, Arial; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; padding: 2px; width: 98%;'" ), $sTemplate ); if ( $cfg['debug'] != "true" ) { echo $sParsed; } $iCurrent++; } } mysql_free_result( $query ); } //echo "<hr><center><div class='pagination'>"; if ( $cfg['page_select'] == "true" ) { if ( $_GET['pg'] == "1" || $_GET['pg'] == "" ) { echo "<span class='disabled'>«</span>"; } else { echo "<a href='?pg=". ( $_GET['pg'] - 1 ) ."'>«</a>"; } for ( $i = 0; $i < $iNews / $cfg['per_page']; $i++ ) { if ( $i == $_GET['pg'] - 1 || ( $i == 0 && $_GET['pg'] == "" ) ) { echo "<span class='current'>". ( $i + 1 ) ."</span>"; } else { echo "<a href='?pg=". ( $i + 1 ) ."'>". ( $i + 1 ) ."</a>"; //NEIZVEELEETAA KATRA } } if ( $_GET['pg'] == $i ) { echo "<span class='disabled'>»</span>";//PEEDEEJAA KAD TALAK NEVAR } else if ( $i > 1 && $_GET['pg'] == "" ) { echo "<a href='?pg=". ( $_GET['pg'] + 2 ) ."'>»</a>"; } else if ( $i <= 1 && $_GET['pg'] == "" ) { echo "<span class='disabled'>»</span>";//tik 1 lapa kad ir } else { echo "<a href='?pg=". ( $_GET['pg'] + 1 ) ."'>»</a>"; } } //echo "</div></center>"; ?> Ceru kad kādam noderēs.
mefisto Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Un arī šito tu neesi pats rakstījis. Pietiks varbūt spēlēties "programētājos" !
bubu Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Norādam sourci, no kurienes ņemam skriptus: http://www.gign.lv/forum/lofiversion/index.php?t42898.html
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