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Jā, šis kārtībā tagad, zinu ka jāmācās. Vēl tik ar to otru problēmu ar to cenu attēlošanu, lai rāda akcijas cenu nevis veco cenu, pārējās produktu cenas rāda pareizi, bet akcijas cenas klibo, rāda pamata cenu?

Posted (edited)

Laikam cena tiek izvadīta šeit, rinda, kur $product['price']

foreach ($products as $product){
$product['link'] = $link->getProductLink($product['id_product']);
   	$product['price_inc'] = $product['price'] * (1 + $product['tax_rate'] / 100);  
   	$product['price_inc'] = number_format(round($product['price_inc'], 2), 2);

Edited by didje3



$tags = array(
 'name' => 'name',
 'link' => 'link',
 'price_inc' => 'price',
 'imageUrl' => 'image',
 'ean' => 'ean',
 'categoryName' => 'category_full',
 'subCategoryName' => 'subCategory',

function my_strip_tags($t)
 $t = preg_replace('/</',' <',$t);
 $t = preg_replace('/>/','> ',$t);
 $t = preg_replace('/[\n\r\t]/',' ',$t);
 $t = preg_replace('/  /',' ',$t);
 return strip_tags($t);

function print_field($k, $v)
 global $tags;
 if (isset($tags[$k])) {
$k = $tags[$k];
$v = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8");
print "	<$k>$v</$k>\n";

header("Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8");
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
print "<root>\n";
$configuration = Configuration::getMultiple(array(
$id_lang = intval($configuration['PS_LANG_DEFAULT']);
$id_zone = intval($defaultCountry->id_zone);
$link = new Link();
$id_carrier = $configuration['PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT'];
$carrier = new Carrier(intval($id_carrier));
$carrierTax = 0;
if ($carrier->id_tax) {
 $tax = new Tax(intval($carrier->id_tax));
 if (Validate::isLoadedObject($tax) AND Tax::zoneHasTax(intval($tax->id), intval($id_zone)) AND !Tax::excludeTaxeOption())
$carrierTax = $tax->rate;
$passwd = Tools::getValue('passwd');
$categories = Category::getCategories($id_lang, true, false);
$manufacturers = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(false, $id_lang);
if ($passwd == $confPasswd) {
 $products = Product::getProducts($id_lang, 0, 0, 'price', 'ASC', false, true);
else {
 $products = array();
$manMap =array();
foreach ($manufacturers as $manufacturer) {
 $manMap[$manufacturer['id_manufacturer']] = $manufacturer;
$catMap =array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
 $catMap[$category['id_category']] = $category;
foreach ($products as $product){
$product['link'] = $link->getProductLink($product['id_product']);
   	$product['price_inc'] = $product['price'] * (1 + $product['tax_rate']/ 100);     
   	$product['price_inc'] = number_format(round($product['price_inc'], 2), 2);
$cover = Product::getCover($product['id_product']);
 $product['imageUrl'] = _PS_BASE_URL_.$link->getImageLink($prodObj->link_rewrite, $product['id_product'].'-'.$cover['id_image'], 'large');

 $product['manufacturerName'] = $manMap[$product['id_manufacturer']]['name'];

 print "  <item>\n";
 foreach ($product as $k => $v) {
print_field($k, $v);
 $catList = Product::getIndexedCategories($product['id_product']);
 foreach ($catList as $cat) $cat=$catList[0];{
$catNames = array();
$catId = $cat['id_category'];
while ($catId && $catId != 1) {
 	array_unshift($catNames, trim($catMap[$catId]['name']));
 	$catId = $catMap[$catId]['id_parent'];
print_field('categoryName', implode(' >> ', $catNames));

   	//$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM s_category_product WHERE id_category='{$cat['id_category']}'");
   	//while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
           	echo "<category_link>http://www.lapa.lv/category.php?id_category={$cat['id_category']}</category_link>";
 print "</item>\n";
print "</root>\n";

Kur mainīgais nemaz nezināšu!

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