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Te es atradu vienu kodu bet man nevajag viņu visu man tik vajaglai online scriptā klāt useriem kreisajā pusē parādās karodziņš no kuras valsts viņš nāk!



#   http://raivis.tk		  #
#   filename: Location.php	#

require("ip2country.php"); #http://paste.php.lv/1415

//		print "Client IP:	   ".$myCliInf->getClientIP()."<br>";
//		print "Client Hostname: ".$myCliInf->getClientHostname()."<br>";
//		print "Client Country:  ".$myCliInf->getClientCountry()."<br>";
//		print "Client Flag: ".$myCliInf->getClientFlag(SMALL)."<br>";
//		print "Client Flag: ".$myCliInf->getClientFlagHTML(SMALL)."<br>";
#		 try with SMALL or BIG to change the size of the flag</a>

$myCliInf = new ClientInfo;
if ($myCliInf->getClientCountry()) {
print "You are from  <b>".$myCliInf->getClientCountry()."</b>.";
} else {
 print "unknow";


Un lūkur šim kodam vajag piemontēt klāt useriem kreisajā pusē lai rāda valsts karogu no kuras nākuši.

'host'=>'localhost', // Datubazes hosts
'user'=>'jzvac', // Datubazes lietotajs
'pass'=>'1991jz', // Datubazes lietotaja parole
'name'=>'jzvac', // Datubazes nosaukums
'prefix'=>'ibf_members', // Bla, bla

'offset'=>5, // Minutes kops pedejas aktivitates

 @mysql_connect($db->host,$db->user,$db->pass)or die('Konekcija nospraga!');
 @mysql_select_db($db->name)or die('Datubazi ieselektet neizdevas!');

$reg = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibf_members");
$reg = mysql_num_rows($reg);
$delay = "900";
$delay = time() - $delay;
$useri = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibf_sessions WHERE member_id != '0' and running_time >= ".$delay."");
$regon = mysql_num_rows($useri);
$viesi = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibf_sessions WHERE member_id = '0' and running_time >= ".$delay."");
$viesi = mysql_num_rows($viesi);
$kopa = $regon + $viesi;
echo '
Onlaina: '.$kopa.'<br />
Useri: '.$regon.'<br />
Viesi: '.$viesi.'<br />
Registrejusies: '.$reg.'<br />
<hr style="margin:2px 0;"/>
while ($users = mysql_fetch_array($useri)){
$group = $users['member_group'];
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibf_groups WHERE g_id = '$group'");
while($group = mysql_fetch_array($q)){
$prefix = "<span style=\"color:black\">";
$suffix = "</span>";
$prefix = $group['prefix'];
$suffix = $group['suffix'];
echo "<a href='forums/index.php?showuser=".$users['member_id']."' title='".$users['member_name']."'>".$prefix."".$users['member_name']."".$suffix."</a><br />";


Lūdzu kas māk lai pamēģina salikt!

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