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Aptuveni šādi:


header("Content-type: application/rss+xml");

$site_domain = "some.lv";
$xml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0"></rss>');

$channel = $xml->addChild('channel');
$channel->addChild('title', ent('Some title'));
$channel->addChild('link', ent("http://$site_domain/"));
$channel->addChild('description', ent('Some description'));

$image = $channel->addChild('image');
$image->addChild('url', ent("http://$site_domain/img/some-logo.png"));
$image->addChild('link', ent("http://$site_domain/"));

foreach($items as $id=>$item)
$xmlItem = $channel->addChild('item');
$xmlItem->addChild("title", ent($item['virsraksts']));
$xmlItem->addChild("link", "http://$site_domain/news.html?id=$id");
$xmlItem->addChild("description", ent($item['content']));

print $xml->asXML();

function ent($data)
return htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
} // ent


Tas nozīmē meklē kļūdu. Pārbaudi kas darbojas un kas nē. Kad atradīsi vietu, kas nedarbojas, tad pārbaudi kāpēc - mainīgo vērtības, koda loģiku un tml. Tad kad sapratīsi kāpēc - tad izlabo kļūdu un viss darbosies.

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