Solitary Posted March 17, 2009 Report Posted March 17, 2009 parliku uz sava dator web serveri kas nebija ilgi lietots , uz provaidera viss ie ka nakas bet man uz sava pc met kludas saistiba ar MAIL Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in d:\webserver\www\forgot_password.php on line 27 <?php require_once('db.php'); include('functions.php'); include('settings.php'); if ( array_key_exists ( '_submit_check', $_POST ) ) { if($_POST['email']!='' && valid_email($_POST['email'])==TRUE) { $getUser = mysql_query('SELECT ID, Username, Temp_pass, Email FROM users WHERE Email = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']).'"'); if(mysql_num_rows($getUser)==1) { $temp_pass = random_string('alnum', 12); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getUser); $query = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET Temp_pass='".$temp_pass."', Temp_pass_active=1 WHERE `Email`='".mysql_real_escape_string($row['Email'])."'"); $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $subject = "Password Reset Request"; $message = "Dear ".$row['Username'].", Someone (presumably you), has requested a password reset. We have generated a new password for you to access our website: $temp_pass . To confirm this change and activate your new password please follow this link to our website: ".$url."confirm_password.php?ID=".$row['ID']."&new=".$temp_pass.". Don't forget to update your profile as well after confirming this change and create a new password. If you did not initiate this request, simply disregard this email, and we're sorry for bothering you."; if(mail($row['Email'], $subject, $message, $headers)) { $msg = 'Password reset request sent. Please check your email for instructions.'; } else { $error = 'Failed sending email'; } } else { $error = 'There is no member to match your email.'; } } else { $error = 'Invalid email !'; } } ?> Neizprotu kur vaina , lietoju appserv-win32-2.4.4a un mekleju php.ini failu vispar nekur neatradu es neko no tam lietam daudz nesaprotu vai varetu palidzet Quote
Aleksejs Posted March 17, 2009 Report Posted March 17, 2009 Vaina ir tajā, ka uz Tava datora nav SMTP servera. Quote
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