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Tātad uztaisīju ka jaunumus webā ņem no noteikta IPB foruma bet mans webs ir XHTML + CSS [ vēl nepabeigts ] un kad mēģināju index.html lapā ielikt to ar iframe :


<iframe src="http://unique-cs.oo.lv/f/news.php" width="730" height="900" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>


tad itkā viss iet bet nu tur jaunumos ir linki nu tjip. Lasīt vairāk komentāri un tml. bet kad uzpiežu uz linka man viņš atverās turpat iframe.


Vai ir vēl kāds veids kā index failā pieprasīt to news.php kas savienots ar IPB .?

Posted (edited)

Mans news.php


|IPB News
|This modification allows you to display 			     
|news from your Invision Power Board on to your website. 		       
|Plugin URL: [url="http://www.voidfx.net/BtB/?page_id=11"]http://www.voidfx.net/BtB/?page_id=11[/url]			       
|Author: Timur Karasapan
|Author URL: [url="http://www.voidfx.net/BtB/"]http://www.voidfx.net/BtB/[/url]
|Author Email: timur.karasapan@gmail.com
|MOD Version: 2.3.0
|IPB Software Compatiblity: Invision Power Board 2.1.x  
|No part of this script may be used, edited or redistributed without written  
|consent from the author. If a request to redistribute, edit and or otherwise use 
|this mod (except for its intended use) is not replied to then it is to be 
|considered as a lack of permission.  
|© Timur Karasapan 2006. All rights reserved.                                 
|Do not remove this comment box - I worked hard on this and half the fun
|of it is seeing your name on something useful. If you wish to remove
|the copyright displayed below the news then contact me for 
|more information on the nominal fee that is required.  

//The Now Even More User Friendly Config File!	  //

//IPB Information				  //
$ipb_forumpath = 'http://unique-cs.oo.lv/f'; //Insert the url of your forum, e.g. [url="http://www.Bob.com/forums"]http://www.Bob.com/forums[/url]

$ipb_newspathid = '5'; /* This is the forum id of where you want this mod to pick up the news topics from. To find the forum id simply click the link of the intended forum and the end of that link will have a number, place that number here.*/

$emoticons = 'AI'; //This is the default directory for your emoticons, if yours is different change accordingly.

$subdomain = '1'; //Some forums that are setup as subdomains (i.e. forums.bob.com) encounter problems with using emoticons, if you are using a subdomain then change this setting to a 1. 

$include_bug  = '0'; //If you get the following error "Cannot locate conf_global.php; make sure you have placed both files in your forums main directory" even though you are sure that news.php and news_config.php are in the correct direcotry then change this to 1. 

//IPB News General Options		  //
$ipb_news = '5'; //This displays how many threads from the forum you want to display on your website.

$ipb_pmON = '1'; //If you want the option to PM the news thread author to display then set this to 1 otherwise 0 = off.

$sort_by = 'date'; //Placing the word date inbetween the apostrophes sorts the news topics by the date the were posted, the most recent being first. While placing the words "last post" (without the quotes) inbetween the apostrophes sorts the topics by the ones with the most recent replies.

$up_enabled = '0'; //If set to 1 then IPB News will automatically update you when there is a new version release, if set to 0 then IPB News will not inform you. (It is reccomended that you keep this enabled.)

//IPB News Display Options		  //
default 		= The default display.
AI			 	= The Current Version of the Alternate Interface. 
classical 		= The classic (non-css) interface. 

$display = 'default';



Es vienkārši gribēju paprasīt vai ir vēl kāds veids kā izsaukt kādu noteiktu failu ( šijā gadījumā - news.php ) ar nodefinētiem height un width

Edited by eT`
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