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Daži jautājumi par lightbox uzlikšanu.

Add rel="lightbox" attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox. For example:


<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="my caption">image #1</a>


Lūk šī te vieta. Tas links kas ir uz bildes ir pilnīgi vienalga kāds? Pēc tam viņš tiks izmantots?


# You can use CSS to style the image container. Here is the code used in the examples above:




padding: 10px;

border-bottom: 2px solid #666;

border-right: 2px solid #666;



font-size: 0.8em;

padding-top: 0.4em;


#lightboxCaption{ float: left; }

#keyboardMsg{ float: right; }


#lightbox img{ border: none; }

#overlay img{ border: none; }


# To create the 'shadow' effect over the page, you'll need to use a PNG file and some extra CSS. The CSS is a bit messy thanks to IE's unorthodox support of PNG transparency:


#overlay{ background-image: url(overlay.png); }


* html #overlay{

background-color: #000;

back\ground-color: transparent;

background-image: url(blank.gif);

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="overlay.png", sizingMethod="scale");



# If you would like to show the user a 'loading' graphic, like the animated progress bar in the examples above, specify its location at the top of the lightbox.js file.


var loadingImage = 'loading.gif';


# In the same vein, if you would like to use a 'close button', like the 'X' graphic in the examples above, specify its location at the top of the lightbox.js file.


var closeButton = 'close.gif';


un šie kodi, kurā vietā jāvada iekšā? body tagā? vai kur?

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xfr33, pierādi, ka Tu kaut ko vari pats! Pašam būs interesantāk, un citus tik ļoti netracināsi. (Neprasi, lai parāda "kur ko likt", bet stāsti, tieši ko Tu nesaproti.)

Edited by black
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