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Lūdzu palīdziet.

Pasakiet ko vajadzētu nomainīt šajā kodā, lai ierakstītais



čatā parādītos tā pat nevis ar šiem ķeburiem, uzreiz saku es jau nomainīju encodingu uz utf-8 gan failā gan sql datubāzē.




header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET page=1 WHERE id = " . $CURUSER["id"]) or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);


function decode_unicode_url($str) {
$res = '';

$i = 0;
$max = strlen($str) - 6;
while ($i <= $max) {
	$character = $str[$i];
	if ($character == '%' && $str[$i + 1] == 'u') {
	$value = hexdec(substr($str, $i + 2, 4));
	$i += 6;

	if ($value < 0x0080) // 1 byte: 0xxxxxxx
		$character = chr($value);
	else if ($value < 0x0800) // 2 bytes: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
		$character =
			chr((($value & 0x07c0) >> 6) | 0xc0)
			. chr(($value & 0x3f) | 0x80);
	else // 3 bytes: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
		$character =
			chr((($value & 0xf000) >> 12) | 0xe0)
			. chr((($value & 0x0fc0) >> 6) | 0x80)
			. chr(($value & 0x3f) | 0x80);
	} else

	$res .= $character;

return $res . substr($str, $i);

function convert_text($s)
$out = "";

for ($i=0; $i<strlen($s); $i++)
 $c1 = substr ($s, $i, 1);
 $byte1 = ord ($c1);
 if ($byte1>>5 == 6) // 110x xxxx, 110 prefix for 2 bytes unicode
 $c2 = substr ($s, $i, 1);
 $byte2 = ord ($c2);
 $byte1 &= 31; // remove the 3 bit two bytes prefix
 $byte2 &= 63; // remove the 2 bit trailing byte prefix
 $byte2 |= (($byte1 & 3) << 6); // last 2 bits of c1 become first 2 of c2
 $byte1 >>= 2; // c1 shifts 2 to the right

 $word = ($byte1<<8) + $byte2;
 if ($word==1025) $out .= chr(168);					// ?
 elseif ($word==1105) $out .= chr(184);				// ?
 elseif ($word>=0x0410 && $word<=0x044F) $out .= chr($word-848); // ?-? ?-?
$a = dechex($byte1);
$a = str_pad($a, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$b = dechex($byte2);
$b = str_pad($b, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$out .= "".$a.$b.";";
 $out .= $c1;

return $out;

if ($_GET["do"] == "shout") {
$shout = convert_text(urldecode(decode_unicode_url($_GET["shout"])));
if ($shout == "/prune" && get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR) {
	mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE shoutbox");
	die("Сообшений нет");
$sender = $CURUSER["id"];
if (!empty($shout)) {
	$shout = preg_replace("/\/me /", $CURUSER["username"]." ", $shout);
$datee = time();
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO shoutbox (date,  text, userid) VALUES (".implode(", ", array_map("sqlesc", array($datee, $shout, $sender))).")") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
} else
	print("<script>alert('Введи сообщение');</script>");
} elseif ($_GET["do"] == "delete" && get_user_class() >= UC_SECURITY && is_valid_id($_GET["id"])) {
$id = $_GET["id"];
mysql_query("DELETE FROM shoutbox WHERE id = $id") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);

$res = mysql_query("SELECT shoutbox.*, users.username, users.warned, users.id as uid, users.class FROM shoutbox INNER JOIN users ON shoutbox.userid = users.id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 35") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);

if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0)
die("Сообшений нет");
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

if ($arr["warned"] == "yes")
$warn = "<img src=\"pic/warned.gif\" alt=\"Warned\"/>";
$warn = "";
$username = $arr["username"];

$arr["text"] = format_comment($arr["text"]);

$arr["text"] = str_replace("[$CURUSER[username]]","<font color=#000000></font><b style='color: green; background: #FFFFFF;'>$CURUSER[username]</b><font color=#000000></font>",$arr["text"]);

$arr["text"] = preg_replace("/\[((\s|.)+?)\]/", "<font color=#000000></font><b style='color: black;'>[\\1]</b><font color=#000000></font>", $arr["text"]);

if (strpos($arr["text"], "privat($CURUSER[username])") !== false) {

$variabila = "privat($CURUSER[username])";
$nume = substr($variabila, 7);
$nume = substr($nume, 0, strlen($nume)-1);
$id = $arr['id'];

if (($CURUSER["username"] == $nume) || ($CURUSER["id"] == "".$arr["userid"]."")) {

$arr["text"] = str_replace("privat($CURUSER[username])","<b style='color: orange;'>".$CURUSER[username]."</b>",$arr["text"]);

print("<span class='date'>[".strftime("%H:%M:%S",$arr["date"])."]</span>" . (get_user_class() >= UC_SECURITY ? "<span onclick=\"deleteShout($arr[id]);\" style=\"cursor: pointer; color: red; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\"><img src=\"pic/warned2.gif\" style=\"border: 0px;\" /></span>" : "") . "
<a target=_blank href=message.php?action=sendmessage&receiver=".$arr['userid']." title=\"Отправить ЛС\"><img src=\"pic/pn_inbox.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=userdetails.php?id=".$arr["uid"]." target='_blank'><img src=\"pic/info/guest.gif\"  border=0  title=\"Посмотреть профиль\"></a> <a href=\"userdetails.php?id=".$arr["uid"]."\" onClick=\"parent.document.shoutform.shout.focus();parent.document.shoutform.shout.value='[b]".$username."[/b]: '+parent.document.shoutform.shout.value;return false;\">".get_user_class_color($arr["class"], $arr["username"]) . "</a>$warn: ".($arr["text"])."<br />\n");
} else
if ((($CURUSER["id"] == "".$arr["userid"]."") OR (get_user_class() >= UC_SECURITY)) AND (get_user_class() >= $arr["class"]) AND (strpos($arr["text"], "privat(") !== false)) {

$arr["text"] = preg_replace("/privat\(([^()<>\s]+?)\)/i","<b style='color: #orange; background: #FFFFFF;'>{\\1}</b>", $arr["text"]);

print("<span class='date'>[".strftime("%H:%M:%S",$arr["date"])."]</span>" . (get_user_class() >= UC_SECURITY ? "<span onclick=\"deleteShout($arr[id]);\" style=\"cursor: pointer; color: red; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\"><img src=\"pic/warned2.gif\" style=\"border: 0px;\" /></span>" : "") . "
<a target=_blank href=message.php?action=sendmessage&receiver=".$arr['userid']." title=\"Отправить ЛС\"><img src=\"pic/pn_inbox.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=userdetails.php?id=".$arr["uid"]." target='_blank'><img src=\"pic/info/guest.gif\"  border=0  title=\"Посмотреть профиль\"></a> <a href=\"userdetails.php?id=".$arr["uid"]."\" onClick=\"parent.document.shoutform.shout.focus();parent.document.shoutform.shout.value='[b]".$username."[/b]: '+parent.document.shoutform.shout.value;return false;\">".get_user_class_color($arr["class"], $arr["username"]) . "</a>$warn: ".($arr["text"])."<br />\n");
} elseif (strpos($arr["text"], "privat(") !== false) {
} else {

print("<span class='date'>[".strftime("%H:%M:%S",$arr["date"])."]</span>" . (get_user_class() >= UC_SECURITY ? "<span onclick=\"deleteShout($arr[id]);\" style=\"cursor: pointer; color: red; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\"><img src=\"pic/warned2.gif\" style=\"border: 0px;\" /></span>" : "") . "
<a target=_blank href=message.php?action=sendmessage&receiver=".$arr['userid']." title=\"Отправить ЛС\"><img src=\"pic/pn_inbox.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=userdetails.php?id=".$arr["uid"]." target='_blank'><img src=\"pic/info/guest.gif\"  border=0  title=\"Посмотреть профиль\"></a> <a href=\"userdetails.php?id=".$arr["uid"]."\" onClick=\"parent.document.shoutform.shout.focus();parent.document.shoutform.shout.value='[b]".$username."[/b]: '+parent.document.shoutform.shout.value;return false;\">".get_user_class_color($arr["class"], $arr["username"]) . "</a>$warn: ".($arr["text"])."<br />\n");


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