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table'.\fusion\_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired,



luk so man uzmeta majaslapa mana, itka pec tiesa tulkojuma nozime galds fusion online ir identificeta ka bojata un vajadzetu salabot, bet kaa... mapites tie dokumenti kuri bija neatpaziti tagad ir atpaziti un tagad sis raksts ir paradijies tur kur ir viesi un lietotaji online ka ari kad logojas ara un logojas ieksa..respektivi neredzu ne lietotajus ne viesus online... ka var labot so un ka var tos dokumentus padarit atkal par neatpazitiem..?

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MySQL table "is marked as crashed and should be repaired"

Solution > INVALID SQL: 145 : Table '{something}' is marked as crashed and should be repaired


If you receive an error message on your web site that says that a table "is marked as crashed and should be repaired," or anything mentioning an issue with ".MYI", ".MYD", or ".FRM' file(s)... usually this can be remedied by running a repair on your MySQL database from inside your cPanel.


1) Login to your cPanel

2) Go to the MySQL section, and click the "REPAIR" icon next to your database's name


If this doesn't fix it, you can try going back and running the repair once more. If you still have trouble, please submit a support ticket to our help desk with the exact error message you are receiving, the URL on your web site where we can see the error message, and any other details that may assist us in resolving your issue and we would be more than happy to help you get everything back up and running normally.

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777, nedomāju ka angliski vismaz šajā specifiskajā jomā viņa kko saprot :D



itka pec tiesa tulkojuma nozime galds fusion online ir identificeta ka bojata un vajadzetu salabot


Galds? :D ak tu mī un žē, nu kāpēc meitenēm vajag ko tādu uzsākt, ja sajēgas nav nu nekādas, pat minimālākās :D

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