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Everything posted by Pavlo

  1. RT @steipete: Android. https://t.co/6trfZit2pB

  2. RT @FlexMonkey: Although a little outdated, my #CoreImage for #swiftlang book still has lots of useful information and is now FREE! https:…

  3. Fastlane precheck looks awesome https://t.co/QStGgyOX2n

  4. RT @StartupNextDoor: "The smaller and more focused a function is, the easier it is to choose a descriptive name." - Clean Code

  5. The Unexpected Joy of Vector Images in iOS 11 https://t.co/828zQPHRmn

  6. RT @mulander: Very creepy @WhatsApp, someone was apparently typing in an URL and WhatsApp was fetching it off my server char-by-char https:…

  7. RT @hamzasood: The new control centre has a (system only) plugin mechanism. Example plugins on Github: https://t.co/TQgtATrDXP https://t.co…

  8. RT @Injection4Xcode: Xprobe and GitDiff plugins updated for #Xcode 9 beta. Now provides real time code linting for #swiftlang and c-langs h…

  9. RT @lukew: Apple moved to outlined icons! We need to change all our icons to outlines. … … crap. https://t.co/qNQjbuHgqx

  10. RT @icanzilb: Oh hey this looks awesome! https://t.co/wkY4deq4js

  11. Keynote icon evolution #WWDC17 https://t.co/xNMalioXJv

  12. RT @fr3ino: WebRTC comes to the iPhone with iOS 11. Finally! #WWDC2017 https://t.co/7Z6kAKIbkh

  13. Great example of decorator pattern! Reuse layout and views! https://t.co/2pzkhVhoX1 #oop #iosdev

  14. Tradable Quality Hypothesis ➙ https://t.co/WOfS9H7P4m #craftsmanship

  15. RT @sandimetz: New blog post about the half-life of code: https://t.co/QTBVEVoEev It's philosophical, but not ☢️ .

  16. Please use `NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER` and `NS_UNAVAILABLE`. #iosdev #objc

  17. RT @steipete: Swifty Objective-C is now a year old, we’ve learned many new tricks since then. Follow-up is coming in a few weeks! https://t…

  18. Pick the right easing function for `UICubicTimingParameters` https://t.co/3EB9iPHZZZ #iosdev

  19. Enable 'Treat Warnings As Errors' option. Fix those issues as early as possible https://t.co/PMqew5udSP #iosdev

  20. Great write up about interviewing and applying https://t.co/CEVCI1XxlM

  21. RT @NachoSoto: Holy shit this is amazing https://t.co/CRdFhtg5D1 Apple please make this public API for debug builds!

  22. Great talk about typography by @frankrausch https://t.co/T9R4k9fgw9 #uikonf

  23. RT @ashfurrow: I wish GitHub wouldn’t insist on having a “request changes” look like a failure. https://t.co/dzxCMg16Q7

  24. RT @_mwc: Can you tell which is phishing? You can't. That's the problem with Unicode look-a-like character substitution. https://t.co/4…

  25. RT @flyosity: DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, an analysis of Facebook for iOS. https://t.co/CDYF49xMGr

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