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  1. vepšem, es gribu saprast, kā otro skritu piemotēt pirmaja, tā lai tas dabotos!
  2. pasakiet kaads, kaa es varu shito <? header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""." \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">"; include("../settings.php"); if (!isset($page)) {$page = 0;} $total = 0; if(!($dp = opendir("./"))) die ("Cannot open ./"); $file_array = array(); while ($file = readdir ($dp)) { if(substr($file,0,1) != '.' and $file != "index.php") { $file_array[] = $file; } } $file_count = count ($file_array); sort ($file_array); ?> <wml> <card id="card1" title="<? echo $conf["site_name"] ?>"> <p mode="nowrap"> <? echo "<a href=\"../index.php\">Home</a><br/><br/>"; ?> <? if ($file_count > 0) { $first_record = $page * $conf["items_per_page"]; $last_record = $first_record + $conf["items_per_page"]; while (list($fileIndexValue, $file_name) = each ($file_array)) { if (($fileIndexValue >= $first_record) AND ($fileIndexValue < $last_record)) { echo "<a href=\"$file_name\">$file_name</a> (". round(filesize($file_name)/1024,1) . "kb)<br/>"; $total = $total + filesize($file_name); } } if (($file_count > 0) AND ($page != 0)) { // previous button $prev_page = $page -1; echo "<br/><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$prev_page\">Prev</a><br/>"; } if (($file_count > 0) AND ($last_record < $file_count)) { // next button $next_page = $page + 1; echo "<br/><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$next_page\">Next</a><br/>"; } echo "<br/>Mapē:<br/>$file_count "; if ($file_count == 1) {echo "fails.";} else {echo "faili.";} echo " (" . round($total/1024,1) . "kb)"; echo "<br/><a href=\"../index.php\">Home</a>"; } closedir($dp); ?> </p> </card> </wml> saparot ar shito $myimg = "http://"; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($myimg); echo "Image size: $width x $height"; nu protams taa lai paraadiitos bildes nosaukums, lielums un izmeers! vai arii lai taa notiktu, un vai to var vispaar izdariit?
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