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  1. Vai ir iespējams IONCUBE kodu rediģēšana no enkodētiem no IONCUBE failiem? Jeb ir tā uzstaisīts ka neviens nevar cits cita failu uzlabot vai rediģēt?
  2. Tip dota tabula: +------+-------+------+ | col1 | col2 | col3 | +------+-------+------+ | 3 | Three | NULL | | 1 | One | NULL | | 2 | Two | NULL | +------+-------+------+ a kaa lai es vareetu visu kolonu piem col3 paarlikt priekshaa col1? tip iznaakumam jaaiznaak: +------+-------+------+ | col3 | col1 | col2 | +------+-------+------+ | NULL | 3 | Three| | NULL | 1 | One | | NULL | 2 | Two | +------+-------+------+ kautko meegjinaaju ar sho: ALTER TABLE Tabula MOVE col3 [bEFORE col1] nekaa nesanaaca :D neesu prof MySQL komandaas. izskridiiiju 30 min googlee par MySql... bet nekaa iipashu neatradu izmantoju phpmyadmin MySQL Cerams kaads var palīdzēt man, paldies
  3. njaa tagad man nestraada 1 aile bet 2 aile ir ok es izmantotju shaadu java script kodu if (inputItem.type == "radio2") { // process radio buttons // subtract the previously selected radio button value from the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(previouslySelectedRadioButton.value); // save the current radio selection value previouslySelectedRadioButton.value = eval(inputItem.value); // add the current radio button selection value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } if (inputItem.type == "radio3") { // process radio buttons // subtract the previously selected radio button value from the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(previouslySelectedRadioButton.value); // save the current radio selection value previouslySelectedRadioButton.value = eval(inputItem.value); // add the current radio button selection value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } un pashaa izveelem ir shaadi <select type="radio2" name="select" onChange="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);" style="WIDTH: 257px"> <option selected="selected" value=0.00>Izveelies2</option> <option value=50.00>50</option> <option value=100.00>100</option> </select> </font> <select type="radio3" name="select" onChange="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);" style="WIDTH: 257px"> <option selected="selected" value=0.00>Izveelies</option> <option value=500.00>500</option> <option value=1000.00>1000</option> </select> pirmajai iale kad maina jautaajumu nezkapeec dubultojaas un skaita klaat visu laiku :(
  4. ok paldies tagad jau kautkas man straada :)) http://www.settlers.colt.lv/test/1.php
  5. nu kā rekāds ir scripts pats: <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- hide javascript from non-JavaScript browsers. // This function calculates the total for items in the form which are selected function calculateTotal(inputItem) { with (inputItem.form) { // process each of the different input types in the form. if (inputItem.type == "radio") { // process radio buttons // subtract the previously selected radio button value from the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(previouslySelectedRadioButton.value); // save the current radio selection value previouslySelectedRadioButton.value = eval(inputItem.value); // add the current radio button selection value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } if (inputItem.type == "radio") { // process radio buttons // subtract the previously selected radio button value from the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(previouslySelectedRadioButton.value); // save the current radio selection value previouslySelectedRadioButton.value = eval(inputItem.value); // add the current radio button selection value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } else { // process check boxes if (inputItem.checked == false) { // item was uncheck. subtract item value from total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(inputItem.value); } else { // item was checked. add the item value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } } // total value should never be less than 0 if (calculatedTotal.value < 0) { InitForm(); } // return total value return(formatCurrency(calculatedTotal.value)); } } // format a value as currency. function formatCurrency(num) { num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g,''); if(isNaN(num)) num = "0"; sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num))); num = Math.floor(num*100+0.50000000001); cents = num%100; num = Math.floor(num/100).toString(); if(cents<10) cents = "0" + cents; for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++) num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3)) + ',' + num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3)); return (((sign)?'':'-') + '$' + num + '.' + cents); } // This function initialzes all the form elements to default values function InitForm() { //Reset values on form document.selectionForm.total.value='$0'; document.selectionForm.calculatedTotal.value=0; document.selectionForm.previouslySelectedRadioButton.value=0; //Set all checkboxes and radio buttons on form to unchecked: for (i=0; i < document.selectionForm.elements.length; i++) { if (document.selectionForm.elements[i].type == 'checkbox' | document.selectionForm.elements[i].type == 'radio') { document.selectionForm.elements[i].checked = false; } } } // end commenting javascript --> </SCRIPT> cik es pamaniiju ka tev dod atljau kur ir apliishi izveeleeties 1 no 4 ir shaads tipa scripts if (inputItem.type == "radio") { // process radio buttons // subtract the previously selected radio button value from the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(previouslySelectedRadioButton.value); // save the current radio selection value previouslySelectedRadioButton.value = eval(inputItem.value); // add the current radio button selection value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } if (inputItem.type == "radio") { // process radio buttons // subtract the previously selected radio button value from the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) - eval(previouslySelectedRadioButton.value); // save the current radio selection value previouslySelectedRadioButton.value = eval(inputItem.value); // add the current radio button selection value to the total calculatedTotal.value = eval(calculatedTotal.value) + eval(inputItem.value); } bet kaal ia paarveidoju uz select jeb sho lai straadaatu: <select name="name" onChange="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);" style="WIDTH: 257px"> <option selected="selected" value=0.00>Izveelies</option> <option value=50.00>50 - 100</option> <option value=100.00>100 - 200</option> </select> teikshu ka neesu spec Java scriptos! :) Cik googlee atradu shaadu saitu https://www.atlassian.com/software/Buy.jspa...?purchaseList=0
  6. Nju tagad man ir cita probl! http://www.settlers.colt.lv/test/1.php Un es uzlik ushaadi: <select name="name" onChange="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);" style="WIDTH: 257px"> <option selected="selected" value=0.00>Izveelies</option> <option value=50.00>50 - 100</option> <option value=100.00>100 - 200</option> </select> bet tagad man vinjs tur visu laiku saskaita ja paartinju izveeli ..... piemeeram: izveelos 50 (pieskaita apakshaa 50) un peeksnji paardomaaju uzlikt uz 100 (tad apakshaa pieskaita +100 ( jau iznaak 150)) bet mana nevajag ka vinjs tur beigaas uzraadiis ljoti lielulu skaitli ja kaads visu laiku paardomaas un uzliks citu izveeli..... kur vareetu buutu probleema?
  7. man straadaa uz cjkekshiem bet es gribu to uzlitk uz <select name="izveele"> <option selected="selected"></option> <option>100 $</option> <option>200 $</option> </select> izveeles formai...... tipa ka izveelies piemeeram tos 100 un vinjs pieskaita beigaas tos 100 ja izveelaas 200 tad pieskaitiis 200 nevis 100.....
  8. iizsti nesapratu tavu domu :( vari precizet ar skaitljiem ? piemeeram kad ieksjheksee ir shaads <input type="checkbox" name="Chicken" value=12.00 onClick="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);"> un tad vinjs automaatiski tur saskaitiis klaat tos 12.00 summu bet kaa lai to izdaru uz izveeli <select name="izveele"> <option selected="selected"></option> <option>100</option> <option>200</option> </select> iizsti nezinu kur lai lieku to Value un ...............this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);.......................
  9. Piemeeram shim koodam http://javascript.internet.com/forms/order-form.html gribu pievienot klaat izveeli ar cenaam....... <select name="select" size="1"> <option value="1">1 $</option> <option value="2">2 $</option> <option value="3">3 $</option> <option value="4">4 $</option> </select> un protams vinjs visu saskaita kopaa.... Bet nezinu kā lai to izdaru :| Kaads var izpaliidzeet ? oi ieliku nepareizajaa sadaljhaa! Cerams ka moderaatori paarliks uz JavaScript, VBScript
  10. es izveidoju savu versiju (kodeejumi nebija mani ;) ) un tagad man vis ok http://www.settlers.colt.lv/sudoku.php Paldies par paliidziibaam! :) aprakst par manu prasto izveidojumu http://www.settlers.colt.lv/sudoku.php ievada ciparus un ok peec tam nokopee visus laikumus un spiesh next un tad arii tur iekopee visus laikumus un atkal ok un man tagad beigaas iznaak vajadziigais kodeejums...... (sorry par teikuma uzbuuves kljuudaam)
  11. kautko izdomaaju ar formiem bet nezinu kaa lai saliek uzreiz gatavu kodeejumu....... tipa shadu uzstaisiiju http://www.settlers.colt.lv/sudoku2.php kaads zin kaads kodeejums ir nepiecieshams ka no form vairaakiem uzstaisa 1 vaardu? piemeeram <input name="aa" type=text id="aa" style="WIDTH: 20px" onFocus="this.select();" value="x"> <input name="bb" type=text id="bb" style="WIDTH: 20px" onFocus="this.select();" value="x"> vinjs panjem aa+bb.. ( piem. aa = ieraksta 3 un bb = ieraksta 6 un izveido vaardu 36)
  12. nemaaku praktiski visu, jo veel maacos ;) tapeec jau prasu paliidizibu
  13. vai shaads scripts ir kaads gatavs ? vai nu liidizigs kautkur ? shii bilde ir no kaada autora kas taisiijis sho, bet nav atklaajis savu ideju :D piemeeram, es tur salieku ciparus vajadzīgos un viņs attiecīgi izveido nosaukumus..... tipa ja shaadi pilda tad shaads kodeejums 3 7 x x x x x 1 x un tur attieciigi vinjs izdara shaadi 3a7axaxaxaxaxa1ax piemeerams kad ir pilns tad shaads 3 7 2 9 6 4 5 1 8 un tur attieciigi vinjs izdara shaadi 3a7a2a9a6a4a5a1a1 x x x | x x x | x x x x x x | x x x | x x x x x x | x x x | x x x _________________ x x x | x x x | x x x x x x | x x x | x x x x x x | x x x | x x x _________________ x x x | x x x | x x x x x x | x x x | x x x x x x | x x x | x x x Vai vieglaag ir rakstiit ar roku, vai kad programma automaatiski dara to ? (peec manaam domaam ka programma to dara daudzreiz aatraak) Cerams ka kaads ideju pametiis man...... Paldies, jau par ieprieksheejaam paliidziibaam.
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