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Reģistrētie lietotāji
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Everything posted by Seal

  1. Seal

    Masīvi c++

    Spēles kods tic tac toe #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ //This array of chars represents the game board, and it holds the content of each square (x,o or empty) char square[3][3] = {{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '}}; //The current player (x or o) char turn = 'X'; //These variables will hold the number of the row and column selected by the players. int row; int column; //The winner (x, o, t(if it`s a tie) or empty) char winner = ' '; //Required variables to check if a move is valid or not bool validmove; bool validrow; bool validcolumn; //The game loop`s again and again until the game is over while(winner == ' '){ //Draw the board cout << " 1 2 3" << endl << " +---+---+---+" << endl; for(int i=1;i<4;i++){ cout << " " << i << " | " << square[i-1][0] << " | " << square[i-1][1] << " | " << square[i-1][2] << " |" << endl << " +---+---+---+" << endl; } //Check for an eventual winner of for a tie for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ if(square[i][0] == square[i][1] && square[i][1] == square[i][2] && square[i][0] != ' '){ winner = square[i][0]; } } for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ if(square[0][i] == square[1][i] && square[1][i] == square[2][i] && square[0][i] != ' '){ winner = square[0][i]; } } if(square[0][0] == square[1][1] && square[1][1] == square[2][2] && square[0][0] != ' '){ winner = square[0][0]; } if(square[0][2] == square[1][1] && square[1][1] == square[2][0] && square[0][2] != ' '){ winner = square[0][2]; } if(square[0][0] == square[0][1] && square[0][1] == square[0][2] && square[0][2] == square[1][0] && square[1][0] == square[1][1] && square[1][1] == square[1][2] && square[1][2] == square[2][0] && square[2][0] == square[2][1] && square[2][1] == square[2][2] && square[0][0] != ' '){ winner = 't'; } //If somebody won if(winner == 'X' || winner == 'O'){ //Display congratulations message cout << "Congratulations! Player "; if(winner == 'X'){ cout << 1; } else{ cout << 2; } cout << " is the winner!" << endl; break; } else if(winner == 't'){ //Display a message if it`s tie cout << "Tie!" << endl; break; } //If the game is not yet over show who`s the next player to move cout << "Player "; if(turn == 'X'){ cout << 1; } else{ cout << 2; } cout << "'s turn:" << endl; //Loop until the player selects a valid square validmove = false; while(!validmove){ validrow = false; //Loop until the player selects a valid row while(!validrow){ cout << "Row: "; cin >> row; if(row == 1 || row == 2 || row == 3){ validrow = true; } else{ cout << endl << "Invalid row!" << endl; } } validcolumn = false; //Loop until the player selects a valid column while(!validcolumn){ cout << "Column: "; cin >> column; if(column == 1 || column == 2 || column == 3){ validcolumn = true; } else{ cout << endl << "Invalid column!" << endl; } } //Change the turn to the next player if(square[row-1][column-1] == ' '){ square[row-1][column-1] = turn; validmove = true; if(turn == 'X'){ turn = 'O'; } else{ turn = 'X'; } } //If the selected square is occupied display a message and loop again else{ cout << "The selected square is occupied!" << endl << "Select again:" << endl; } } } system("pause"); } Ko tieši dara šīs rindas ? Daļēji saprotu, bet līdz galam nesaprotu ) for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ if(square[0][i] == square[1][i] && square[1][i] == square[2][i] && square[0][i] != ' '){ winner = square[0][i]; } } if(square[0][0] == square[1][1] && square[1][1] == square[2][2] && square[0][0] != ' '){ winner = square[0][0]; } if(square[0][2] == square[1][1] && square[1][1] == square[2][0] && square[0][2] != ' '){ winner = square[0][2]; } if(square[0][0] == square[0][1] && square[0][1] == square[0][2] && square[0][2] == square[1][0] && square[1][0] == square[1][1] && square[1][1] == square[1][2] && square[1][2] == square[2][0] && square[2][0] == square[2][1] && square[2][1] == square[2][2] && square[0][0] != ' '){ winner = 't';
  2. Sveiki! Kādu funkciju (visprimitivāko) ir jāizmanto lai varētu centrēt tekstu konsolē ? C++ . cout<<" ##########################"; Ar spaciem kaut kā nekatit
  3. Arī labs http://learncodethehardway.org/ :] Tur ir ruby, python, c, sql, regex pamācības un tajās ir viss sīki un kodolīgi paskaidrots.
  4. Seal


    Grāmatas nelietojam, atnākam iedo teoriju un viss, emm nu teoriju par to ko man vajag neiedeva. Aleksej, paldies par video, noskatīšos
  5. Seal


    *Esejas ievadā parādi savu attieksmi pret ekonomistu uzskatiem par tirgus, valsts lomu un valsts funkcijām jauktas ekonomikas sistēmā; galvenos jēdzienus. Man vajag uzrakstīt eseju, bet nevaru atrast nekur ekonomistu uzskatus :( par tirgus, valsts lomu un valsts funkcijām jauktās ekonomikas sistēmā. Varbūt kāds var "vijibnutsa" ar google skill? Varbūt es slikti meklēju. Vismaz par tirgus lomu un valsts lomu jauktajā ekonomikā. (Latvijā)
  6. Seal

    SQL tabulas

    Sveiki, es izveidoju šo kodu <?php $mysqlconnnect = mysql_connect ('localhost','root','85221802'); if (!$mysqlconnnect){ die ('Savienojums ar datubāzi netika veikts, ievadi pareizos datus!'); } mysql_select_db ("cms", $mysqlconnnect); $sql = "CREATE TABLE RegisteredUsers ( Login varchar(15) NOT NULL, Password varchar(15) NOT NULL, Age int )"; mysql_query ($sql,$mysqlconnnect); mysql_select_db ("cms", $mysqlconnnect); $sql2 ="INSERT INTO RegisteredUsers (Login, Password, Age) VALUES ('$_POST[Login]','$_POST[Password]','$_POST[age]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql2,$mysqlconnnect)) { die ('' . mysql_error()); } else echo '<b>Tika pievienota informācija datubāzē!</b>' ?> Tad es mēģināju izdzēst tabulas kurās jau bija informāciju, kuru es ieguvu caur FORM (Login, parole, vecums un submit poga).Itkā izdzēsās tabulas ar informāciju, bet to vietā parādās vienmēr viens un tāds pats skaits rindu. Kad es FORMā ievadu tukšas ailes, pievienojas vēl tās rindas un izdzēst man viņas neizdodas. Varbūt vajag kaut ko pie SQL koda pierakstīt lai neveidotos bezjēdzīgas tabulas ar tukšumiem?
  7. Seal

    mysql warning

    Jā, tagad sapratu, veru ciet tēmu. Paldies.
  8. Sveiki, man ir neliela problēma, sāku mācīties php+mysql un izveidoju šo kodu <?php $connect = mysql_connect('localhost','root','pw')or die ('<center><b>Lūdzu ievadi pareizus datus lai varētu pieslēgties datubāzei</b></center>'); if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE datubaze", $connect)){ echo 'Datubāze tika izveidota'; } else{ echo '<b>Notika kļūda datubāzes izveidē: </b><br>' . mysql_error(); } mysql_select_db ('datubaze', $connect); $sql = "CREATE TABLE Registretieslietotaji ( Login varchar(15) Password varchar(15) Age int )"; if (!$sql){ echo '<b>Nevar izveidot jaunas tabulas</b>' . mysql_error(); } else{ echo '<br><b>Tabulas tika veiksmīgi izveidotas</b>'; } mysql_query($connect,$sql); mysql_close($connect); ?> Iegāju apskatīties google chrome un ieraudzīju šo brīdinājumu: Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in D:\AppServ\www\map\data.php on line 22 Kā var tikt vāļā no šī brīdnājuma?
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