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Posts posted by djmartins

  1. <?

    $host == "localhost";

    $port == "2005";

    $user == "janis";

    $pass == "peteris";

    $database == "db";

    $db = mysql_connect("$host:$port", "$user", "$pass");

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news;", $db);



    echo("<table width=92% bgcolor=#C0C0C0>");


    echo("<td align=left>$res[3]</td>");






    cip $res3 ir tas datums :D

    Laikam jau kaut kas skiibi! :)

  2. Baigaa stelle.Man ir cip tabula news kura ir rows date.Tas viss butu kartiba.Bet ka lai tagad to datumu izvadu ara?Ja cip taisa ka izvada no tas tabulas ar $res tad vins man izvada kaut kadu ciparu virkni tikai.Vot sito lietu es nerubiju.

  3. Mazliet so to nesaprotuTaa tad datubaze man ir tabula category.Cip tur es pievienoju kategorijas.Bet man vajadzetu tagad it ka pievienot zinu un izveleties kadu no tam kategorijam.Un seit tad sakas ta problema.Ka lai norada ka tiesi ta zina iet uz to kategoriju?

  4. Hmm kaut kaada kluda laikam 72 rindaa tikai nerubiiju kas iisti!NU karoc Ja kads var tad ludzu parskata visu scriptu un ieluur kas tur varetu but neriktigi.




    /** \file Text

    \brief Text

    - Author : Henk Jurriens

    - Date : 12/09/2003





    /** Class for Text




    class module_text extends module{


    function GetType(){

    return "text";




    function ShowModule( $page, $row ){


    /** Admin text */

    $action = $this->AdminMenu( "text" );

    $result = $this->CheckSubmit( array( "text" ) );


    //print_r( $row );

    $result = query( "SELECT * from text where mod_text = {$row['module_textID']} " );

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ){

    print "<h2>{$row['title']}</h2>";


    if ( $row["image"] <> "" ){


    print "<img src='{$row["image"]}' alt='{$row["image"]}' style='float : {$row['image_align']}' />";




    print html_entity_decode($row["text"]);

    /** Admin edit and delete photo */


    $action = $this->AdminEditDelete( "text", $row['textID']);








    /** Class for Search_text




    class search_text extends search{



    function search_text(){

    /** initializes $module and $table



    $this->module = "module_text";

    $this->table = "module_text";



    function DisplayResult( $row ){

    $page = $_GET["page"];

    return "<a href='$PHP_SELF?page=$page&module=text&id=''><h4>{$row['title']}</h4></a>{$row['description']}<p />";






    class module_text_admin extends admin_module{


    function General(){

    $this->SetTables( array( "text" ) );


    // Get information about the module for this page

    $row = $this->GetModuleData();


    $table = New AdminTable;

    $table->Header( "module_text", "" );

    $table->InputRow( 'name', 'name', "{$row[name]}" );

    $table->InputRow( 'description', 'description', "{$row[description]}" );





    function Content(){



    print "<p><b>Text</b></p>";


    $this->ShowAddButton( "text" );


    $table = New AdminTable;

    $table->Header( "text", array( "title", "created", "valid from", "valid till" ) );

    $row = $this->GetModuleData();

    $moduleid = $row[0];


    $result = query( "SELECT * FROM text WHERE mod_text = $moduleid" );

    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ){

    $table->DisplayRow( $row['textID'], array( $row['title'], $row['created'], $row['valid_from'], $row['valid_till'] ) );








    function Edit(){

    global $ses_language;


    $id = $_GET['id'];

    $cmdOK = $_GET['cmdOK'];

    $table = $_GET['table'];

    if ( isset( $cmdOK )){

    $id = $_GET['id'];

    $title = $_GET['title'];

    $text = $_GET['text'];

    $created = $_GET['created'];

    $valid_from = $_GET['valid_from'];

    $valid_till = $_GET['valid_till'];


    switch ( $table ){

    case "text" :


    $q = "UPDATE `text` SET `title` = '$title', `text` = '$text', `created` = '$created', `valid_from` = '$valid_from', `valid_till` = '$valid_till' WHERE `textID` = '$id' AND `language` = '$ses_language' LIMIT 1 ";

    $result = query( $q );








    switch ( $table ){

    case "text" :

    print "<h2>Edit</h2>";

    $row = $this->GetRowByIDLanguage( "text", $id );

    $table = New AdminTable;

    $table->Header( "", "" );

    $table->HiddenFields( );


    $table->InputRow( 'title', 'title', "{$row['title']}" );

    $table->InputRowTextArea( 'text', 'text', "{$row['text']}", 60, 10 );

    $table->InputRow( 'created', 'created', "{$row['created']}" );

    $table->InputRow( 'valid from', 'valid_from', "{$row['valid_from']}" );

    $table->InputRow( 'valid till', 'valid_till', "{$row['valid_till']}" );











    function Add(){

    global $ses_language;


    $id = $_GET['id'];

    $cmdOK = $_GET['cmdOK'];

    $table = $_GET['table'];

    if ( isset( $cmdOK )){



    $title = $_GET['title'];

    $text = $_GET['text'];

    $created = $_GET['created'];

    $valid_from = $_GET['valid_from'];

    $valid_till = $_GET['valid_till'];


    switch ( $table ){

    case "text" :

    //## index?

    $newID = $this->GetNewTableID( "text" );

    $row = $this->GetModuleData();

    $moduleid = $row[0];


    $q = "INSERT INTO `text` ( `textID` , `language` , `mod_text`, `title`, `text` , `created` , `valid_from` , `valid_till` ) ";

    $q .= "VALUES ( '$newID', '$ses_language', $moduleid, '$title', '$text', '$created', '$valid_from', '$valid_till' )";

    $result = query( $q );







    switch ( $table ){

    case "text" :

    print "<h2>Add</h2>";

    $table = New AdminTable;

    $table->Header( "", "" );

    $table->HiddenFields( );


    $table->InputRow( 'title', 'title', "" );

    $table->InputRowTextArea( 'text', 'text', "", 60, 10 );

    $table->InputRow( 'created', 'created', "" );

    $table->InputRow( 'valid from', 'valid_from', "" );

    $table->InputRow( 'valid till', 'valid_till', "" );











    function Delete(){

    $table = $_GET['table'];

    switch ( $table ) {

    case "text" :

    $this->DeleteRow( "text" );











  5. Te ir probleema taada ka ja es nospiezu uz talak un man lapa ir kadi 3 vai vairak id vins atver visus id ar sakuma un turpinaajuma tekstu tacu man vajadzeetu lai vins atver konkreto id uz kura tiesi nospiezu.Kaa to izdariit?



    echo("<table width=60%>"); //uztaisam table ...

    echo("<td colspan=3 align=center>$res[7]</td>");



    if (isset($_GET['talak'])) {

    echo("<table width=60%>"); //uztaisam table ...

    echo("<td colspan=3 align=center>$res[8]</td>");



    } else {

    echo '<a href="?talak=true">talak</a>';


    echo("<p>  </p> ");


    $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");


    echo("<form method=\"post\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\" align=center>");

    echo("<input type=hidden value=true name=\"talak\">");


  6. Man vajadzeetu lai paraada saakumtekstu tad linku ar taalaak un uzspiezot uz linka lai raada turpinaajuma tekstu.Taatad piem. man ir id kuraa ir saakum teksts un turpinaajuma teksts.Taatad izvada saakuma tekstu un zem vina linku taalaak uzspiezot uz linka vajadzeeru lai vins atver valaa visa id saturu taatad ar sakum tekstu un turpinajuma tekstu. Saakums man sanaak bet beigas nesanaak.Var buut kads var pamest kaadu domugajienu var buut preciizaaku majienu.

  7. Kaa lai tiek valaa no funkcijas ShowGroups, cipa lai ka veras lapa valaa uzreiz raadas funkcija DisplayGroup.Meginaju itka vienkarsi izdzest bet tur it ka erorus met araa.NU nez varbuut jums ir ideja





    $title = "Ziņas";

    include "functions.php";



    if ($action == "category") DisplayGroup();

    else if ($action == "shownews") ShowNews();

    else ShowGroups();





    Function ShowGroups()




    <table width="630" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#<?=_COLOR02;?>" align="center" class="MojHeadt">







    <table width="630" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" align="center" class="MojHead">




    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['db_topic']." ORDER BY topictext");

    echo '<table width="630"><tr>';

    while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($res))



    print "<td align=\"center\" height=\"100\"><a href=\"?action=category&id=$ar[id]\">$ar[topictext]</a></td>";

    if ($x == 5) { print "</tr><tr>";$x=0;}










    Function DisplayGroup()


    if(!check_version("4.1.0")) global $_GET;


    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['db_topic']." where id='".$_GET['id']."'");

    $tp = mysql_fetch_array($res)



    <table width="630" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#<?=_COLOR02;?>" align="center" class="MojHead">


    <td><a href="<?=$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'];?>"> <?=$GLOBALS['title'];?></a> :: <?=$tp[topictext];?></td>




    <table width="630" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="MojHeadt">





    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['db_news']." WHERE category='".$_GET['id']."' ORDER BY datum DESC");

    while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($res))


    ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})", $ar[datum], $datetime);

    $datum = date("M jS ", mktime($datetime[4],$datetime[5],$datetime[6],$datetime[2],$datetime[3],$datetime[1]));


    print "$x.<a href=\"?action=shownews&category=".$_GET['category']."&id=".$_GET['id']."&topicid=$ar[id]\">$ar[headline] / $datum</a><br/>";









    Function ShowNews()


    if(!check_version("4.1.0")) global $_GET;

    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['db_topic']." WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");

    $tp = mysql_fetch_array($res)




    <table width="630" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#<?=_COLOR02;?>" align="center" class="MojHead">


    <td width="100%" bgcolor="#<?=_COLOR02;?>">

    <a href="<?=$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'];?>"><?=$GLOBALS['title'];?></a> :: <a href="?action=category&id=<?=$_GET['id'];?>"><?=$tp[topictext];?></a>





    <table width="630" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" align="center" class="MojHead">




    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['db_news']." where id='".$_GET['topicid']."'");

    while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($res))


    $res2 = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM ".$GLOBALS['db_admin']." WHERE uname='$ar[author]'");

    $ar2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2);

    $datum = formatTimestamp($ar[datum]);

    echo "</td></tr></table>";


    <table width="630" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="MojText">

    <tr><td class="MojHead"><?=$ar[headline];?></td></tr>



    <p style="width:630; text-align:justify;" class="MojText">


    if(!empty($ar[picture]) && file_exists($GLOBALS['news_url'].$ar[picture]))

    echo '<img src="'.$GLOBALS['news_url'].$ar[picture].'" align="left" style="padding-right:4pt;">';

    echo $ar[preview];



    <p style="width:630; text-align:justify;" class="MojText"><?=$ar[tekst];?></p>









    Ievietots: <?=$datum;?> Ievietoja: <?=$ar[author];?></a>










  8. kaa lai izvelku visu info aaraa no datu baazes?



    $host == "**"; //te mums buus MySQL hosts

    $port == "***"; //te mums buus MySQL ports

    $user == "*****"; //te mums buus MySQL users

    $pass == "******"; //te mums buus MySQL parole

    $database == "guestbook"; //te mums buus MySQL database

    $db = mysql_connect("$host:$port", "$user", "$pass"); //ievadam vajadziigo database ...

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gbook;", $db); //saakam ciklu , kas no table gbook izvelk aaraa visus ierakstus ...



    man te kaads gluks vai netaa kaut ko uzrakstiijis???

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