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Everything posted by prieditis

  1. 'Paņem RevHost hostingu www.revhost.tk ;) Kvalitatīvi, ātri, labs serviss un pieņemama cena!
  2. prieditis

    XML Export

    Ir pieejams php scripts XML exportam uz OsCommerce, CreLoaded priekš kurpirkt.lv, tavacena.lv un salidzini.lv Ja ir interese rakstiet uz [email protected] ;)
  3. Ir!!! Protams varam jau supportot vietējos, ko arī atbalstu, bet tajā pašā laikā tādu uber pakalpojumu un features paketes kā http://revhost.eu.tv (fīčas, datubāzes, 24/7h supports, atvēlētā) diez vai kāds LV varēs nodrošināt.... + šādas features vietējiem LV, ja nemaldos piedāvā sākot tik no 35 + par mēnesi ;)
  4. Magic Thumb™ is a fantastic way to enlarge thumnbail images using a JavaScript lightbox effect. One reason why Magic Thumb™ is popular is that the user stays on the same page. You don't need to load a new page or use popup windows. It just loads immediately on click. The user experience is rich - people like the web 2.0 lightbox enlarge effect. Users appreciate that it is immediate - the large image enlarges on click without waiting for it to download. This gives a better experience than waiting (as with an AJAX lightbox that requests images on demand). You can display an unlimited number of images on a page. Large images have large file sizes, so be sure to compress your images with a good ratio of size to quality (aim for a JPEG filesize of 30-70kb). You can use JPEG, PNG or GIF. Two images are required for Magic Thumb™ - one large image (about 450-550 pixels height) and one thumbnail image (about 80-120 pixels height). Varbūt kādam noder priekš e-commerce (osCommerce, CreLoaded vai ZenCart u.c.) Links http://www.magictoolbox.com/magicthumb/
  5. Labs un lēts hostings ir http://www.revhost.tk Serveri atrodas tepat Zviedrijā, Lielbritānijā un ASV. Līdz ar to čaļi nodrošina labu ātrumu praktiski visos reģionos. Pats galvenais, ka neskatoties uz cenām, paketes nav "apgraizītas" un ir pieja praktiski visam (DNS. CNAME u.t.t. MySQL u.t..t). PAts lietoju jau kā 1,5 gadu ..iesaku visiem. Cenas vienkārši SUPER!
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